Articular cartilage is the bone that develops housing in the neighbouring area to another, and provides protection to prevent both moving bones to rub together. This cover can be altered by mechanical causes, i.e., bumps, sharp turns or in case of continuous overload athletes. The cartilage then undergoes various types of injury: can soften or may break forming ragged, cracks and even ulcers, which can affect the bone that is underneath, or free fragments of cartilage into the joint space (loose bodies). These lesions are typical of the lives of athletes and workers who use physical force. The softening is usually more common in women than in men.
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of the surgical procedure through a minimum 2-year follow-up of patients by subjective rating, activity-based outcome scores, and the ability for postoperative participation in high-impact, pivoting sports. The team of premature wear and tear of joint cartilage is a characteristic of modern times. Until recently, this highly disabling disease in which there is destruction of articular cartilage was the domain of aging and old. The main cause of premature wear of the cartilage band are summing to overload and micro trauma (obesity, less active lifestyles, harmful mechanical stress caused by the joint performed occasionally exercise - aerobics, gyms, health pathways). Another reason for the occurrence of the disease is the predatory exploitation of mobility among professional athletes. A common cause of progressive damage to the cartilage layer is the instability resulting from damage to the ligaments or no damper - meniscus. Damage to the cartilage should be diagnosed and treated early, before it comes to the creation of extensive degenerative changes.
Unfortunately there is no close relationship between the size and depth of cartilage damage, and felt by the patient's ailments. Many athletes are susceptible to pain and feel no damage to the cartilage. Fibrous cartilage does not have the strength and elasticity to cartilage hyaline, except that it is less resistant to loading and subsequent injuries.
The study includes a sample that consisted of 166 athletes (across 2 sites) with a mean age of 36 (+/- 1.5) years (range 18-54 years) of whom 71% were male and 29% female. The sample included recreational (42%), competitive (55%), and professional (3%) athletes. All patients had single cartilage lesions of the femur, had post-op follow-up greater than 2 years, Preoperative duration of symptoms averaged 51 (+/- 3.9) months (range, 11-144 months). Lesions were located at the ends of the femur, either on the medial femoral condyle (68 patients 41%) or on the lateral femoral condyle (53 patients 32%), in the remaining 45 (27%) patients lesions were located at the trochlea (where the kneecap rides on the femur).