Assignment 7a Module 4 - Case

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Assignment 7a Module 4 - Case

Assignment 7a Module 4 - Case


Disaster is referred to the uncertainty of the unavoidable and hazardous event that might occur anytime. This assignment is going to discuss the Chile Mining incident which occurs on August 5th, 2010. In this incident, 33 miners were trapped underground in the San Jose Mine for more than two months (Yang, 2010). However, all the miners returned to the surface after the successful rescue operation which constituted the perfect example of the disaster management. The miners have to travel up for nearly half mile until they reach the specially designed capsule. The rescue system worked day and night until all the miners were rescued safely. After 69 days of being underground, first miner emerges safely on to the earth (Yang, 2010).


Rescue Operation

From the first day when this incident happened, the rescue team tightened their operations and devotedly worked for the safety of the humans. The president of the Chile further supported the actions and calm and motivated the people by assuring them that will do anything for the safety of the lives of the 33 missing miners (, 2010). However, the destruction was very severe, and the original cave-ins acted as a negative agent in the immediate rescue through ventilation channel. Everyone was indulged and focused in saving the lives of the miners; however, the Mining Minister was least expecting that the miners will be rescued alive (Yang, 2010).

The optimistic expectations started to develop, and the rescue further excel their operations when on Aug 22nd, drill probe and reaches the miners and they attach a note which says that they are all well inside. Rescue staff created a shaft for the purpose of the ventilation of the miners, through which they used to get fresh air. Rescue starts drilling in the mine for the purpose of providing shelter which was a first 30-centimeter pilot hole (, 2010).

The rescue team continue with the mining, and when the drilling was done the second time, it reached the level of the miners that is 630-meters. After the intense commitment and the devoted work of the rescue team, first miner was safely taken out after the 69th day with the help of the specially designed cage (, 2010). Different people volunteered in operation and the government and the employer in collaboration assisted the rescue staff in providing the funds ...
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