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Part A


The company we have chosen for our report is “Apple Inc, UK”. Apple is in the business of designing, manufacturing, and marketing mobile communication devices, personal computers (PCs), and video players and portable digital music. Apple also offers a huge range of associated services, software, networking solutions and peripherals. Apple is also providing the service of online distribution music; for the third party, music videos, audio books, television shows, and short films (Barney, and William 2006, pp. 58).

PEST Analysis

The PEST analysis is a management tool, which is employed to examine the macro- environment of a company. The factors involved in the PEST analysis play a very crucial role in creating opportunities for a company to create value in its products. However, these factors are beyond the control of the company and management of a company has to develop their strategy to deal with changes in the external environment.

Political environment analysis of Apple

“There are several constraints for manufacturers of digital music players it must comply the regulatory framework of laws and institutions,” (Trott 2008, pp. 80). This is to attract customers despite laws designed to curb illegal downloading (creation download site paid accordingly) and then provide a corresponding service requirement of the latter.

Technological environment analysis of Apple Inc

Market, and prices fall rapidly, and the technology is improving rapidly.

Growing interest in computers: an essential tool in the workplace and at home.

Use of the Internet in full swing: the 56k modem ADSL Wi-Fi communication is facilitated, and accelerated the exchange of information is important inter web.

Age of any digital file with digital devices associated with it. Photo (JPEG): Digital cameras Video (DVD): digital camcorders Audio (MP3) music players: Walkman MP3 player is hard to integrated hard (iPod type).

Economic environment analysis of Apple Inc

During the last decade, the whole music industry has been affected by the global financial crisis, which also affected the consumer spending in the field of the music industry. Nevertheless, the global economy is now showing signs of improvement and this improvement in the economic conditions is bound to increase the consumer spending in the field of the music industry (Blokdijk 2008, pp. 85).

The economic elements that are influencing Apple Inc in the UK are barriers of conducting trade, prevalent interest rates in the country, and tax rates. Under the effect from globalization, UK has taken a number of steps to eradicate trade barriers with different nations all over the globe, particularly with the developing countries (Grady 2009, 58). This step is bound to help the economy of UK to rebuild after the recent global economic crisis, which had hit the IT and communication industry of UK, including Apple Inc. For the reason of these steps taken by the UK government, Apple had a chance to introduce their products in the developed countries, as well as, in the developing countries. This step has provided them with a chance to expand their customer base from people in developed countries to people in developing ...
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