Assignment 7 And 8

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Assignment 7 and 8

Assignment 7

Decisions of the Incident Commander

Based on the facts provided, Incident Commander must inform the Hurricane Liaison Team (HLT) which a small team is designed to cope up with natural problems catastrophe reaction by assisting information exchange between the Nationwide Hurricane Center in Las Vegas, California, and other Nationwide Oceanic and Environmental Management elements and federal, state, and municipality authorities. Furthermore, the Incident Commander must ensure the mobile On-Scene Demand Center at the outside of the urgent situation area. The commander must inform the hospitals about the persons who are at extreme risk of being injured or even fatal. The commander must announce the situation of food and water shortage to the general public and other related associations in order to avoid the shortage problem making the lives of affected people even worse.

Prioritization of Problems

Prioritizing problems in the time of disaster is the most important thing to do because nothing can be managed in a hap hazard manner. By considering the basic problems identified by the Incident Commander; the first and the most important task is to arrange for the extra and basic medical supplies needed because the medical supplies are the extreme necessity in the situation. Saving the lives of affected people requires the constant supply of medical provisions in place. After the problem of medical supplies is tackled, the next problem that must be addressed will be related to the food and water shortage. After being treated medically the next important requirement is the food and water for everyone to live. And lastly, the need to shelter must be catered.

Handling Problems

With the perspective of ICS and SEMS, the problems must be handled in an organized manner. In order to elaborate the tasks that will be carried on to tackle the situation, the process will include mitigation, planning, response and activation. Mitigation involves taking continual activities to decrease or remove danger to people and property from risks and their results. Planning means building the urgent situation management function to reply successfully to, and restore from, any threat. Response involves performing urgent situation functions to save life and real estate asset by doing such things as evacuating prospective victims; offering food, water, protection, and health care to those in need; and reestablishing crucial services. Lastly the recovery process restores your community so that one can operate on its own, come back to regular lifestyle, and control upcoming ...
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