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Assignment: "Business reputation has been on a downward trend for too long and is a concern to a growing number of business leaders... at a time of increasing transparency and rapid dissemination of information, ethical business standards will increasingly be critical to gaining and retaining a licence to operate from customers and employees."

Assignment: "Business reputation has been on a downward trend for too long and is a concern to a growing number of business leaders... at a time of increasing transparency and rapid dissemination of information, ethical business standards will increasingly be critical to gaining and retaining a licence to operate from customers and employees."


Business ethics has the peculiarity of being part of what one could call "applied ethics", which consists of our considerations on modern social issues, commercial, environmental. More specifically, business ethics is the question of moral principles in the economic and social as well as duties that are binding on individuals shopping. We tend to distinguish between two approaches to business ethics. The first, Anglo-Saxon, is normative (through the concepts of morality), what are the concepts of "Business Ethics" (Cochran, 1983, 10-15). The second is the so-called "European" and is a more ethical practice and positive they are the notions of "Real Ethic". In fact we may consider that these two approaches are not exclusive but complementary, despite criticism that they were able to contact each other. The trend in recent decades has been increasingly integrating these concepts in business. Ethics is a highly elusive, enigmatic, complex and sensitive concept. It is a moral or ethical statement may assert that some particular action is right or wrong; or that some actions of certain kinds are so; it may offer a distinction between good and bad characters or dispositions; or it may propound some principle from which more detailed judgments of these sorts might be….'(Cochran, 1983, 10-15). Ethics in businesses conveys a sense of priority. Ethics is first. Ethical choices are unavoidable. The three basic areas of managerial decision making are: Choices about the law—what it should be and whether or not to obey it; choices about economic and social issues beyond the domain of the law usually called 'grey areas' or 'people values'; and choices between self-interest and the interests of the company/its stakeholders (Nakra, 2000, 35-42).

Deontological Ethics

Deontological ethics or deontology is an approach to ethics that judges the morality of an action based on the action's adherence to a rule or rules. Deontologists look at rules and duties. It is sometimes described as “duty” or “obligation” or “rule” based ethics, because rules “bind you to your duty”. Deontological ethics is often contrasted with causal or teleological moral theory, according to which the legitimacy of an action determined by its consequences (Codes of ethics and conduct). For Kant, ethics is itself a science of the duties or categorical imperatives that do not matter in the end, but the intent of the act, regardless of the material consequences of ...
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