Assignment 6 -- Cima 0717

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Assignment 6 -- CIMA 0717

Assignment 6 -- CIMA 0717


We are living in a dynamic world where things are changing every second. Due to this dynamic and continuous changing world everything which is associated to it also changes. No matter it is the way of teaching or curriculum. Previously there were little inventions and low technology and the curriculum then design was also according to that time. But since now the things are changing so is the curriculum. If we look back 30 years ago the people were not learning computers and things about technological advancement but now technology has replace all the old things even the way of teaching.

If we not go so far and look at the way of teaching few years back we can see that teacher use blackboard and chalk to teach then came white board, then white board were used with projectors and now we can see multimedia projectors and virtual universities across the globe. This all is possible due to the implementation of technology in the field of education. As the technology is marching forward to advancement the educational material is also changed. Previously students were learning about Microsoft office but now days they are far beyond this and word-processing has become an integral part of the students' life. Now assignments are also prepared and submitted on email or as soft copy rather than writing it with hands and submitting it to the teacher. Technology has greatly influenced the learning capabilities of students also as they can now learn new techniques and methods to perform their tasks with the help of technology (Anthony, 2012).


We all know that technology has greatly influence the working and behavior of human being. It also had developed connections with the way a person works or thinks. In addition to all these things the most important which will also be discussed in this writing is the impact of technology on educational curriculum. Technology has greatly influenced the students, teachers and the relationship between them. If we look at the implications of technology in the field of education we will see that it has change the scenario of how the knowledge is delivered to the students. Let us start with the teaching style then methods and in the end the effects of technology on educational curriculum. In the past teachers used books only to teach the students and now they use online resources. Preciously students have to go to the libraries to search the relevant information no matter from which level of education they belong but now even a student of primary can accessed any book written in the world with the help of internet. In addition to physical libraries, universities have also established their online resource libraries which contain almost all the books on all the topics. The students at PhD level can now even interview their responders in the other world directly through the use of internet and online chatting. They can also observe their behavior if required through IP ...