Assignment 6

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Assignment 6

Assignment 6


Just think for a moment of the following phrase, “learning for life” is substituting a “Job for life” which is the career model. The bottom line of leadership development plan is how to accept the “learning for life” prototype, and arrive at a reality which works for you development. A leader must have something unique in their characteristics. Your skills at this point must be such that match with the needs of changing circumstances. This is a personal challenges to all leaders, of acclimatize and innovating yourself in return to fundamental changes in work.

Effective Leadership

Effective leadership is a single input aspect of success in a group or team and nearly everyone can learn to be an effective leader. As we know leaders are made, they are not born. Leadership is more than just what one does or how one acts; effective leadership can be viewed through the framework of knowing, being, and doing. Knowing involves the knowledge one has and the values, beliefs, attitudes and awareness one possesses, and doing reflects one's actions, behaviors and skills. Effective leadership involves each of these three components, and the components are interconnected (Hersey P. & Blanchard, 1982).

Training Plan

This training plan will specify the qualities we possess while working as a team. The training plan which I am, discussing here indicates the strategies of the leaders that were relevant to my team members and Identify training needs. . This training plan develops the strategies, which will identify the top 3 priority learning and development needs of the organization. Further it will properly recognize the top priority learning and development need of my team and document the goals and objectives I have set for the program. Determining the learning plan is also included in the list of important thing s as I will describe on how I will be collaboratively developing this learning plan and in the end I will evaluate the results of this training plan and will document and conclude whether we are successful in achieving our goals or no.

Strengths & Weakness of a Manager

The above theory states that a team can achieve success by working together with a clear vision. They should have the capability to; properly communicate their passion into their work. It also includes the ability to transmit the vision to the team members. I must clear regarding what I want to accomplish and what help I need whether it is technical expansion, career growth, objectivity, creativity, connections, etc. A Manager should examine and should be honest about what you need to keep doing, stop doing, and start doing to get there. There are many strengths and weaknesses of Managers. My strength is that I can easily motivate and convince people. I am result oriented so I believe in getting things completed at the time. I am fairly organized at work, and it should be completed on time. My focus would be more on my strengths so that I can overcome my weakness as my arrogant nature, ...
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