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Wallace was accepted as the 19th century's leading experts, the geographic distribution of animal species and sometimes the "father of biogeography" is referred to as. Wallace, 19th Century and the evolution of the theory of evolution was one of the leading thinkers of the co-discoverer of natural selection, as well as a number of other contributions to the development. These animals, the concept of color warning against crossing the barriers of natural selection to promote the development and Wallace, a hypothesis about the effect could contribute to speciation. (McGowan, 2001)

Wallace was an outsider, so it's no wonder that we don't remember him as a great scientist. He didn't limit his research to proper scientific subjects, Discuss?

Wallace strongly he was attracted to unusual ideas. His advocacy of evolution and other early supporters of spiritualism especially tense relations with the scientific community with high intellectual faculties of man, belief in a spiritual source. In addition to his scientific studies of a social activist, he was critical of the 19th Century England as an unjust social and economic system. One of the scientists to become the first major result of interest in biogeography to express concern about the environmental consequences of human behavior. Wallace, Indonesia and Malaysia, the Malay Archipelago, 19 century of scientific research published in journals is one of the most popular and influential scientific and social issues during his discoveries, the experience was a prolific writer and wrote his account of his observations

Wallace family's financial security was concerned about the very worried. Malay Archipelago, with caution, the agent sold by the Wallace had invested a significant amount of money was brought copies for sale. But after returning to England, Wallace, railways and mines, a lot of money spent on the Malay Archipelago and the great need for broadcasting revenues made a series of bad investments. To ensure a permanent position as a permanent museum curator with the help of his friends even though I could not. (Raby, 1996) Wallace worked in various levels of government controls to stay solvent for the modest sum of 25 wrote papers published 1872-1876 and to change some of their works are paid by Lyell and Darwin. In 1876, Wallace, publisher of the geographical distribution of animals had a £ 500 in advance to avoid having to sell some land was personal. Darwin, Wallace and Wallace's lifetime contributions to science were paid for the salary of a government pushed hard to get aware of financial difficulties. Was given an annual pension of 200 pounds in 1881, Wallace, to stabilize the financial situation that was the end of the income of his writings.

British society is considered a critical comment by John Stuart Mill, in the Malay Archipelago Wallace's impressed. Mills, the General Assembly to join the club wanted to land reform, but the partnership broke up in 1873 after the death of Mill. Wallace, 56 years, (Raby, 2002) discussions of trade policy and land reform was serious political and social issues in 1873-1879, wrote only a handful ...
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