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what is the connection between fertility and postmenopausal longevity?

According to the article an boost in the number of offspring has been conventionally affiliated with declined longevity. The cost of reproduction hypothesis postulates that a trade-off happens between assets accessible for reproduction on the one hand and for upkeep and life elongation on the other. Extensive reproductive undertaking drains assets that would else be accessible for maintenance. and as a consequence expanded reproduction is presumed to be associated with shortened life span as asserted by this hypothesis. The cost of reproduction notion is by now well established, and it was, for demonstration, directed to an investigation of fertility facts and numbers for the British royalty. (Bell 2006)

Recent investigations of one-by-one death and reproduction in the Mediterranean crop go by plane (med fly) supplied clues for the reality of alternate means that lead to associations between reproduction and longevity. Medflies were discovered to regulate their residual life span founded on future reproductive promise on an one-by-one basis. Such a scheme tends to maximize general reproductive achievement . These outcome are associated to the notion of reproductive determinism and provoked the present investigation.


Were you shocked by this study's findings

The finding of the study was intriguing as it asserted some new details that were rather new for me. It was rather astonishing to me to get to understand about the time of reproduction.

According to this article a cost of reproduction is really manifesting itself throughout the time of reproduction, as is apparently evidenced.

It is conspicuous that there is a large death toll exactly affiliated with childbearing in this chronicled cohort. For example, we find that nulliparous women with no offspring happen to be in the nulliparous assembly to a large span because they pass away throughout the starting of the childbearing period. The ...
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