Assignment 5: Plan For Professional Development Workshop

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Assignment 5: Plan for Professional Development Workshop

Assignment 5: Plan for Professional Development Workshop

Revision of Assignment 3

Examine at least three (3) concepts or principles of your selected topic in light of traditional theories.

The topic under study pertains to gender and racial discrimination in the education system of the United States. The issues faced in gender, and racial discrimination includes the assessments, instructional material and problems faced due to different ethnicity. Black people in United States have always been subjected to racial and gender discrimination. It has been observed that black people have been subjected primarily due to the fact that people have been able to develop prejudices against the people. Prejudice and discrimination are distinct terms, though often complementary. This literal meaning of these terms indicates the "concept, opinion or judgment formed a prior without knowledge or consideration of the facts (Gay & Kirkland, 2003).

Discrimination, the idea is enshrined in the text of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination, as “Any distinction, exclusion, restriction or preference based on race, color, descent or national or ethnic origin which has the purpose or effect of nullifying or impairing the recognition, enjoyment or exercise, on an equal footing of human rights and freedoms fundamental in the political, economic, social, cultural or any other field of public life from prejudice, discrimination to abash, subordinate, dominate and disadvantage (Ceci & Williams, 2010)”.

The concept, opinion, or social judgment; therefore, has human rights violations. The discrimination caused by prejudice has thus a character conceptually negative, harmful, an assault to the principles of human equality. Discrimination undermines the principles of effective equality opportunities to access society, for example, education and employment is entitled by all of the human beings. In order to achieve human rights for all people gender equality is. Despite having the fundamental knowledge discriminatory laws continue to exist across the global arena. There are new discriminatory laws in which clearly show that people are willing to end the discrimination; however, this is not the case, and the reality is topsy. In every tradition, it has been observed that people have been able to institutionalize a second degree status for women with respect to education, marriage, nationality, jobs and marital rights. These forms of discrimination are purely against the empowerment of women in any area of life.

Women are among the poorest people of the world and number of women has significantly increased by 50% since 1975 who living in rural areas. Women are the hardest workers of all the statistics show that they work for 2/3 of the working hours of the whole world and produce half food. Still they are only able to earn 10% of the world's income and have less than 1% ownership in the resources. Large extent of violence is prevalent among women, and it has been witnessed that women do not have access to justice systems. Women continue to suffer from hardship and exclusion as well discriminatory practices across the globe (Welner, ...