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Employability Skills

Table of Contents

Task 11

Task 23

Scenario 13

Scenario 23

Scenario 33

Task 34

Task 45

Task 56


Employability Skills

Task 1

Recruitment is the activity of developing a pool of potential candidates for new post. It is the responsibility of Recruitment manager to plan, initiate, and oversee the whole process of recruitment to ensure the effective execution of it. Corporate Leadership Council Conducted a survey from 8,000 recruiters to determine the most critical factor in effective recruitment (Sourcesational, 2012). The finding was that role of hiring manager is most critical in the process of recruitment. Recruitment Manager plays key role, these include:


Design recruitment notice


Screen Candidate

Record Keeping


Planning the whole process in collaboration with human resource and management as per the need in near future in the organization is one of the important roles of recruitment manager (Davis, 2006: n.d.). The Recruitment manager also needs to design the recruitment notice that is effective enough to attract talented candidates and lists required abilities and skills along with a proper notice of equal opportunity in addition to other legal requirement. Potential talent never is brought in a plate, many times the recruitment managers have to leave their comfort zone to travel and bring the jewels to their organization. Next step or role is the screening crowd to narrow your search to few and keep proper record of all the activities and observations for future use. All these activities should be in the time and finance budget.

It's always best to evaluate own effectiveness specially in terms of achieving the overall goals of organization. The defined objectives of the organization should be converted into crisp goals of department and those departmental goals should be broken down further. The more crisp the objectives will be the more easily will be it is, to evaluate the effectiveness.

The low morale can be due to various reasons. There is no shoe in this world that fits all. This will have to be probed with personal interactions and observation to evaluate the root causes of these problems like low morale. Generally employees might be having low morale because of not being able to see the effects of their work in the big picture. The employees will be provided information regarding the importance of their role and they will be provided a chance to put their observations in the input stage of strategy formulation, so they feel important and connected to strategy (David 2006: 8-9). This increases the morale and commitment to strategies.

There are several motivational techniques that are used to increase the quality of performance. Broadly classified, there are two motivators, financial and non-financial. Financial rewards to motivate people through increased salaries, bonuses, gains share, profit sharing and stock plans. Non-financial rewards can be even a hand on back to praise the performance with simple words. A positive compliment in situation can do much better than even financial rewards. Human beings are social and complex creature, they need more than colourful notes in their pockets. An effective manager reads the situation and provide ...
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