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Company Analysis

Company Analysis


Tesco is an ambitious company with plans to open more new stores in the United Kingdom (UK). However, in recent years, a major part of the firm's strategy has been to open stores in other European countries.

Organisational structure of Tesco

The functional areas of my business are

The finance function

The administration function

The human resources function

The marketing function

The research and development function.

Administration Function

The administration of every function is based on over different offices, however every organization have got some type of administration supports, such as in various small organization, administration office has only one room that is responsible for supporting every function, and dealing number of employees, on the other hand in large organization a complete department is responsible for administration of an organization, in analyzing large organization one has to consider various factors these factors includes specialised office workers also. In this report I will analyze six different function of Tesco, all six department are important component of Tesco's success, from these departments important ideas are generated for Tesco.

Finance Function

Finance department is responsible for recording business transaction, it means that employees of finance department are responsible for book keeping where record expenses that have been paid, moreover, they also measure the financial performance of business and look at the business how bad or good business is performing in financial context (Dickson 1939 Pp: 148-152).

Finance department also control cash flow and business that continuous stays solvent, with the help of this they make sure that there is enough money in business to pay debts, with the help of effective financial reporting, financial department gets assistance to make timely financially decision that is done by comparing anticipated performance with actual performance, it means that if Tesco need to make any invest they will ask for finance department assistance for making important decision for generating funds. Finance department of Tesco provides the continuous financial status of a company with the help of this they can see how much investment they can make in future and improve cash flow and cash generation process (Slater 1990 Pp: 20-35).

The Human Resources Function

Human resource department is second most important component of Tesco that play a vital role for selecting workforce for company, as their main purpose is to select, train, recruit and develop staff that can take responsibilities of work. This means they have to look for the right person and place that person at right time (McTaggart 2006 8-10).

Marketing Function

Marketing department of Tesco is responsible of marketing research, it means that they collect data with the help of questionnaire and inform everyone in organization about new ideas that can help in making money. On the other hand Customer service and care is also an important function of marketing department this function of marketing department deals with customer problems and complaints (Bowman 2004 395-97).

Administration Function

Administrative function is an important part of every business; this function is responsible for organizing tasks in a way that can help ...
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