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Question 1:

Conflict Theory and Families

Conflict idea as directed to families trials the myth that families are agreeable, and rather than focuses on the proficiency of the family to deal with dissimilarities, change, and conflict

Conflict Theory starts by claiming that conflict in families is the usual state of activities and that family dynamics can be appreciated by recognising the causes of conflict and the causes of power.

Solutions are a outcome of:

Establishing better communication

Developing empathy and understanding

Being inspired to change


Assumptions of confrontation theory:

1.  If you have interaction, you have conflict

· No human humanity or assembly lives which does not own conflicts of interest

·Conflict is essential for development and communal change

2.     Conflict and change are usual, inescapable and ubiquitous (i.e., everywhere) in family connections and society

3.  Conflict is endemic

·Goal is to organise conflict so it does not

escalate to impairing grades to decrease the assembly to completely distinct individuals.

·The difficulty with permitting conflict to boost to impairing grades is the twosome or assembly will inescapably divide apart and persons will become separate.

·Oftentimes this is what happens in a end wedding ceremony with chronic unanswered wrath and conflict.

4.  There is a shortage of resources 

A.   With excess of assets, humans chasing self-interest would not chase conflict

B.   Our conflict arises because there is not sufficient assets for all to have what they want. 

C.   If every individual could get what they desire, there would not ever be conflict.  So for demonstration, three male siblings are observing the TV and one concludes to play Nintendo.  Since the young men will not play the game and watch the television display at the identical time the male siblings start to argue.  The restricted asset is the television.  If there were more than one TV, the conflict may not occur.  This would be  because there would be a surplus.  However, if each male sibling liked to watch or play on one specific TV and not the other, the asset would be restricted and the conflict would re-occur.


Think about how SES leverages confrontation as asserted by confrontation theory 

5.   Human societies comprise of changing qualifications of inherently unequal elements

·Therefore  hierarchies appear since power is not circulated equally

·Individuals and assemblies generally trial to maximize their own places inside the hierarchies rather than of absolutely altering the society.

Concepts and terms


·The confrontation between persons or assemblies over scarce resources.

·Disagreement, clashes, and discordance in concerns or ideas


·   General affirmation or accord: Government by consensus.

·  An attitude or place come to by a assembly as a entire or by most will: The voters' agreement was that the assess should be adopted


·Preferable conclusion of negotiation

·Both edges persuasively present their places

·Consensus is accomplished when parties of a discussion agree

·Agreement is a crucial constituent of a consensus.

·Opposite of agreement is disagreement

·Both parties may discuss, but if no affirmation is contacted it is called a 'disagreement'.


·Competition for resources

·In a family, constituents will contend for restricted assets for example power, time, fondness, privilege, material pieces, cash, food.


·Conflict is endemic

adjective; prevalent; widespread

·Prevalent in or peculiar ...
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