Assignment 4: Imc And Customer Satisfaction

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Assignment 4: IMC and Customer Satisfaction

Assignment 4: IMC and Customer Satisfaction


This assignment aims to provide the advertisement strategy of the “Italian Restaurant”. It will include the strategies of advertisement that aligns with marketing objectives in order to ensure that the organization achieves its desired goals and objectives in most effective way. It will also include the strategy that will be adapted by the organization to evaluate the effectiveness of its advertisement. There are various promotional strategies that can be used by organizations other than advertisement for attracting and retaining potential customers. These promotional strategies will also be included in the paper to enable the company to increase its sales by targeting more and more customers.

Advertisement Strategy

The advertising strategy of Italian Restaurant is that the company will be using various promotional and advertising tools for promoting the brand. The company will be running a promotional campaign in all the regions of the country in order to create awareness to the minds of the targeted customers. Advertisement strategy aims the advertising campaign as to create stronger ties with consumers and interest in the brand in particular, aged consumers, and men who often avoid eating outside. The omission in the campaign television advertising as a medium is a manifestation of search by key advertisers of nontraditional methods of attracting customers with variable tastes (Kolb, 2013).

The target market of Italian restaurant mainly consists of youngsters and between the age of18 and above. This product would appeal to young boys and girls belonging to the middle class and the higher class of the society. The market of this product is a niche market as there are only a niche set of market that eats Italian food. However, the strategy of using different tastes according to culture will left a roam for the restaurant to extent a sufficient niche that can be profitable for the company. The marketing objective of the company is to create good brand awareness to the minds of customers. It also aims differentiate its products from competitors ones. This will be done by offering above all, quality, fast service, cleanliness and economic output, but also kindness. It will also offer the families its services with great enthusiasm, social responsibility and commitment charity, creating jobs and opportunities for individuals.

Measuring the Effectives of the Advertisement

It is important for organizations around the globe to evaluate the effectiveness of their advertisement (Lowe, 2008). It is equally applicable for restaurants like Italian Restaurant. There are various ways that will be used by the restaurant to check the effectiveness of its advertisement. There are two groups of effects of advertising: economic and psychological. These two factors can be combined together to best evaluate the advertisement effectiveness. The difference between the initial sales and sales after the advertisement can be one way of analyzing the economical impact. Changes in the buying behavior of customers can enable the organization to evaluate its advertisement effectiveness regarding advertisement.

Although widespread view that it is impossible to isolate the effect of advertising ...