Assignment 4: Capstone Project - Walmart

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Assignment 4: Capstone Project - Walmart

How Well Walmart Lives Out Its Mission and Vision Statement3

Vision Statement3

Mission Statement3

Performance against Vision and Mission Statements3

How the Walmart's Strategic Goals Link to the Its Mission and Vision4

Analysis of Walmart's Financial Performance, with respect to Strategies and Strategic Goals5

A Competitive and Marketing Analysis of Walmart to Determine Strengths and Opportunities6

Differentiation & Low Cost Strategy That Maximizes the Walmart's Return to Shareholders7

Merger or Acquisition8

Appropriate Rewards9

Walmart's Current Strategy & Ethical Business Behavior10


Assignment 4: Capstone Project - Walmart

How Well Walmart Lives Out Its Mission and Vision Statement

Vision Statement

“To become the worldwide leader in retailing” (Romeo, 2008)

Mission Statement

“To save people money, so they can live better” (

Performance against Vision and Mission Statements

Walmart's vision is to become the leading retailer of the world, and today Walmart is one of the most successful organizations across the globe. The success of this company can be associated with its vision statement regarding globalization. Basically, a vision statement is company's statement which defines that company and provides the view of what this company wants to get in future. Where, the vision statement of Walmart clearly describes that the company wants to be a leading retailer across the world, which it has accomplished successfully. Currently, Walmart is operating worldwide, and its major vision is for additional global expansion and ownership of ethical culture promotion to all of its global stakeholders ( The initiative of the organization's vision on ethical culture is the key in globalization, as Walmart has been capable of embracing culture and diversity in its operations worldwide, it has become able to have excellent reputation and competitive advantage across nations. As far as mission statement of Walmart is concerned, the company has performed effectively against its mission statement. Walmart's mission is to provide better life to people by saving their money, where the company has been providing exceptional services and 'everyday low prices' to its customers. Wlamart's performance with respect to its everyday low pricing strategy is the key that accommodate it in fulfilling its mission. Thus, the vision and mission statements of Walmart have provided management the key basis of taking effective decisions and to implement them. Thus, the performance of Walmart is very much aligned with the vision and mission statements of the company.

How the Walmart's Strategic Goals Link to the Its Mission and Vision

Walmart has been able to sustain its business over long period of times in the retail industry mainly because of hard work of its top management and executives in adopting and implementing strategies that are in line with the company's beliefs; vision and mission statements. Along with the vision and mission statements of the company, Sam Walton defines the purpose of the company as to work together in order to lower the cost of living for everyone, and to give the world an opportunity to see what it's like to save and have a better life. This provided the focus to company for its strategic goals and the company consistently found out ways of reducing costs ...