Assignment 4

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Assignment 4

Assignment 4


Change Management is the transformation of existing employees, teams and organizations to an expected future state. The process involves making the entire stakeholder accept and apply the changes in their business environment. In order for a company to keep ahead of the competition, change is necessary. The biggest obstacle to change for the company can be the employees as they are the ones that have to operate with those changes. If the employees are not satisfied with the changes, then there can be a halt in operations as the bottom line is to deliver quality to the clients. The quality can only be maintained if the employees have the right level of motivation as motivated employees translate to productive workers.

About Office Tigers

Office Tigers was founded in the year 1999. The company began its operations seven years prior in the traditionalist South-Indian city of Chennai by two junior Americans, and has developed to over 2,500 agents crosswise over several main lands 2000 of whom are in Chennai. It provides professional business support services like presentations preparations, analytics and accounting. The company has its operations in India and provides services to international clients whose identity is kept confidential. The aim of the company is to change the way the world does business.


The operations being based in Chennai and the workplace comprises of people from various cultural backgrounds. Within India there are a number of subcultures. The company is owned by the Americans and the employees are Indian. There is a difference in the way that both the nationals of these countries think. The trend of Business Processing outsourcing (BPO) being shifted to India has been increasing, where the employees are expected to do night shifts and neutralize their accents into global English (Hudson, 2009, p.82). The bosses expect their employees to be more committed to their work and also have an open mindset that is welcome to change and is receptive of the information and knowledge that is relevant to succeed globally.

The company wants to provide the best quality of service to their clients. They want to be ahead of their clients in terms of the knowledge and skills that they possess. The company does not want to be seen as an entity that does the same level of work or lesser for a lesser cost. They want to win the full level of confidence of their clients so that they do not hesitate in giving them the business. The client will only be fully convinced when the level of work is better than their current process. If the current process of the client is doing well and the change does not yield desired results, than the business will lose it purpose.

The requirement of the client and the competition in the market expects the employees to work hard. This means putting in long hours, even if it means working 24 hours. In one of the meetings between the team members and client manager Nikhil, there is mention ...
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