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Gandhi is considered one of the greatest men of the 20th century. To the people of India, he is thought to be the father of their nation. He believed in peace and brotherhood, and felt that the way to reach these goals was to be nonviolent and unafraid. He practiced love and tolerance for all humans. Many people in India were influenced by his views. Although he was never elected to an office, he is known as one of the world's greatest figures. Martin Luther King is often compared to Gandhi.

He led many campaigns for Indian rights and organized a strike among Indian miners. He was arrested many times by the British, but his work brought important reforms or changes for his people.

When Gandhi returned to India around l915, he soon saw the injustice his countrymen were receiving and quickly decided to change things. He led many campaigns for freedom. Once when riots broke out, Gandhi fasted to show the people the need to be non-violent. His fasts would often end the violence. He was thrown in jail many times trying to stop or change the way the British were treating the Indians. In April of l9l9, the British ordered an unarmed crowd shot and killed, and almost 400 Indians were killed.

This made Gandhi even more determined to fight for independence from British rule in non-violent ways.

Gandhi began a program of hand spinning and weaving about l920. This helped India become more independent economically and prepared the Indians for political independence also.

In l930, Gandhi led hundreds of followers on a 200-mile march to the ocean, where they made salt from seawater. This was protest against the Salt Acts, which said it was a crime to own salt not bought from the government. During World War II, Gandhi continued to fight for ...
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