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It has been seen that one of the recent placements at a Fortune 500 company has been underperforming.


In this paper it will be discussed that it is better to create some action plan to develop this employee rather termination.


We know them well — employees whose work never seems to be up to par. They don't take direction well and may need constant hand-holding. Tasks are completed late and the quality of their work often is poor. Sometimes, a bad attitude and disruptive work habits are also present: They come in late, leave early and generally are difficult to deal with. At first glance, the best course of action for these individuals' performance management plans would be to weed them out. The following report will first discuss the reasons why this employee perform poorly and secondly we will develop an effective action paln.


It has been seen that one of the recent placements at a Fortune 500 company has been underperforming.


This report is limited by the necessity to speculate as to whether or not the Board of Directors will be interested in the proposed action plan.


Showing low-performing employees the door may be the right decision in certain circumstances, but an alternative may be better for the individual and the organization. Before making a final judgment about a low performer, talent managers need to take a close look at the specific root causes of the subpar performance.

Is it due to lack of engagement with tasks, skill gaps in critical areas or perhaps a focus on the wrong priorities? In the vast majority of cases, some kind of talent management failure by the organization contributes to an employee's poor performance.

Consider, when this employee who has been hard at work on a key project, operating on guidance from his manager that he should "drop everything" and focus on project delivery. However, several months later, realizing that critical deliverables were left unfinished, the manager identifies this employee as a low performer. But are they? Or were they just placed in a difficult position that limited their opportunity for success?

By identifying the root causes of low performance, talent managers have the opportunity to call upon solutions and best practices to remedy the situation. In the aforementioned example, perhaps the problem was a breakdown in communication between employee and manager. Or perhaps this manager expects all of her employees to proactively handle multiple tasks at once, and this employee lacks that particular skill.

Once these root causes are identified, the right solutions can be employed to transform a low performer into a strong contributor to organizational goals.

Leading Causes of Low Performance

Employees perform poorly for several reasons and most of them have nothing to do with motivation. In every situation a manager needs to examine why the employee is performing poorly and enact steps to correct the situation. Candid appraisal meetings where both parties are able to evaluate the situation will help with the process and determine the root causes of the ...
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