Assignment #3: Case Problem “julia's Food Booth”

Assignment #3: Case Problem “Julia's Food Booth”

Assignment #3: Case Problem "Julia's Food Booth"

The LP model for Julia's Food Booth is follows:

The variables used in the model will be:

X1 =No. of pizza slices,

X2 =No. of hot dogs,

X3 = No. of barbeque sandwiches.

Formulating the LP model

Producing the objective function for maximizing the profit we get,

Profit on pizza slice = $1.50 - $0.75 = $ 0.75

Profit on hot dog = $1.50 - 0.45 = $1.05

Profit on sandwich = $2.25 - $0.90 = $1.35

The Model

Maximize Z = $0.75X1 + 1.05X2 +1.35X3

The constraints to the model are:

0.75 X1 + 0.45 X2 + 0.90 X3 ...
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