Assignment 3

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Assignment 3

Assignment 3

Section 1

Community Organizing

Community organizing is an organization and self-organization of people in a community, while the community is not necessarily physically present, but it is based on socio-spatial relations. This organization wants to change the power balance of monetary power (power of money) for the benefit of majority power (power of people). Through the creation of a permanent union of people that form a coalition and fight for change in the community together, or else (in the worst case) produce itself. Community organizing arises about relationships, and to be treated first before any themes and ideas (Cox & Pawar, 2006). The process is often supported by paid organizers.

By creating a culture of relationship and common action, it assists citizens to solve problems in their environment. Organizing is deeply committed to the principles of democracy and self-determination. In the organizational approach, there are fundamental and educational differences. Citizens' groups in United States often exhaust themselves in a theme: in defense of a change to be feared (Delgado & Staples, 2008). Your engine is a selective necessarily protests by residents, by stakeholders. They end with the success or failure of an action.

Community organizing is applied to its durability. There are plenty of questions that need to be public, values justified interference. The CO is not so much a defense but to make positive changes and the ability to bring about this (Fisher, 2009). Its organizers know: Assertiveness requires a broad coalition of people from many different groups and organizations, such as churches, unions, neighborhood associations, local institutions and associations (Orr, 2007). Therefore CO starts not with the occupation of a public dispute topic, but with the development of trusting relationships that lead to action.

Community organization is not for money, it is for the soul. This will require the organizers to investments both material and others time, energy and nerves. The ultimate beneficiary in this social cause is meeting new, interesting people who are determined to you in one wave, and with the people with whom in their normal life, you probably have just met (Rivera & Erlich, 1998). Also, this is a great opportunity to try and develop their managerial, leadership and communication skills. It is highly desirable to understand clearly what you want including the mission, strategic goals, and objectives (Fisher, 2009). On this basis, the community organizing is build further to development of the community (clubs, associations). The aim of social cause is completely done for the people. If organizers will not be able to gather and rally around your cause-minded, it will not work (Sen, 2003).

Successful community organization

A community organization is formed by the participation of many people with diverse background, who often come together with existing organizations in the new alliance. Conscious people are addressed from different backgrounds and interests. Changes require a broad consensus (Fisher, 2009). No single member of the organization should be able to dominate the work. As an organization, the 'third sector' they occur independently and confidently to market and ...
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