Assignment 3

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Assignment 3

Assignment 3


Teaching computer technology to employees in VA hospital has become a must with the acquisition of newer technologies and the growing need by the society and the people to employ the newly found methods of technologies, especially with regards to ensuring patient safety and improving the quality of treatment and care being delivered in the hospitals. Employees in a VA hospital are required to be a part of the technology processes so that they can enter the discourse. They need to integrate information from other sources with their personal knowledge (Dembner, 2003).

Employing teaching methods has helped attain the dream of modern health care. This is because educating the employees the technology allows for them to pursue the oath through which they can work harder to attain this dream. This dream just a few decades back was very much a dream which could not be fulfilled. However, a two-pronged strategy of teaching computer technology to employees by self learning modules and teaching patients by printing materials from the internet from Medline, brochures, videos has made this dream possible (Dembner, 2003).


The expectations from the modern health care have always been driven by the integration that has taken place amongst the information, science, and compassion. These are the scenes which seem to be very much unreal. However, they have been made true at the VA hospitals. Teaching not only the employees but also the patients is essential to better health services. By centralizing the medical information and making it accessible to others in easier and more understandable ways, the health facilities can be made to reduce the errors they make when treating the patients. According to the Institute of Medicine which is a nonprofit research group, around 44,000 deaths can be avoided if these errors are overcome. Also, according to the U.S. department of Health and Human service, an estimated amount of 140 billion dollars a year can be saved each year through this strategy (DeYoung, 2009).

Technology has been the central basis for the transformation of VA. There is a networked software program that is called the Vista. It encompasses a powerful electronic medical record-keeping system that acts like the VA's brain. Vista can be used by the doctors to submit whatever prescriptions they want to prescribe for their patients online. This has a very useful advantage and that is it minimizes the errors that may be made from poor and illegible handwriting. Vista can also be used to notify the doctors whenever the patients are in need of a flu shot or a chest X-ray. Vista can also be used for notifying any follow-up care that the patients may require. This will ensure that the doctors do not forget any of the main requirements of their patients such as X-rays and any sort of follow-up care. This means that all the necessary health facilities will be provided to the patients at all times and the chances of doctors forgetting any of their needs will be minimized through the help of ...
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