Assignment 3

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Assignment 3

Assignment 3


The purpose of this assignment is to expand the boundaries of our knowledge by exploring some relevant facts and figures related to responsibility of finance manager and health insurance plan. The assignment has significant and comprehensive discussion on Medicare and Medicaid health plans that play a significant role for the people of America.


Finance personnel are intermediary between the firm and financial markets or capital markets in which investors buy financial assets issued by the company for sale. The efficient allocation of funds within the organization and raising funds on more favorable terms possible are the key responsibility of them.

The fundamental responsibility of the financial manager is to oversee the preparation of financial reports as passively or actively. These reports can be weekly, monthly, annually or biannually. It also has a responsibility to manage all the comprehensive reports of the organization prepared for the guidance of finance personnel. In the investment industries which have a really fast pace, various firms are required to analyze the different kinds of investments that they are involved in. the financial manager performs the role of directing the time, nature, and scope of all the organizational investments. Moreover, in the everyday activities of the companies, the cash flows in the form of liquid cash, checks, postal orders or money orders. The financial manager is mostly charged with the role of implementing the strategies for the management of cash (Brigham, Louis, 2004).

It could be concluded that the financial manager's role is growing and increasing its importance in the market, this because of the great changes that lead to entrepreneurial companies in a better way to analyze financial statements, improving its financial projections, applying capital policies work and good credit management and inventory and evaluate their cost of capital against their assets and profitability and the implementation of all the financial tools necessary to defend, sustain and compete in a global market and an unstable economy, which in any time you can take to hit the finances of the organizations that are not prepared to face global economic developments (Jorion, 2007).

The financial personnel in the nursing organizations work with the object of controlling the performance of staff that has to navigate through a series of successive states to receive from him the desired result. They predict a condition in which are defined in a variety of market opportunities for organizations to produce and implement the relevant products and inform about the scheduled state when one of the possible use of resources of the organization is selected for implementation. They help the organization of the state when performing resources are allocated to performing positions, giving the coordinated work with the production and implementation of promising products and the state of activity, where each performer and group performers are encouraged to implement a planned and organized activity. The financial persons in the nursing organization observe the state of coordination in circumstances where a planned and organized activities are changing. They also mention the state of accountability of the ...
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