Assignment 2.2—information Literacy Assignment

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Assignment 2.2—Information Literacy Assignment

Article 1: Job Stress (


What was the research topic?

The topic that I have selected is the Job Stress and its impact on the performance of the work. Basically, Job stress is the psychophysiological arousal resulting from workplace demands. Optimally, it results in enhanced job performance. When mismanaged, job stress leads to job strain, which includes psychological, medical, and behavioral costs.

What were the research question(s)?

Some of the research questions are as follows:

What are the Causes of Job Stress?

Job stress is caused by demands within the work environment or by contextual or nonwork demands. The major categories of job stressors are physical demands, task demands, role demands, and interpersonal demands. In addition, extra organizational stressors (e.g., marital discord) and transitional factors (e.g., preparing for retirement) can have spillover effects into the workplace, in part through role conflicts. Understanding an individual's stress and strain requires examining the entire life experience (i.e., work plus nonwork).

Identification of the Consequences of Job Stress.

The two broad categories of job stress consequences are functional (eustress, or healthy stress) and dysfunctional (strain). The former includes both health and performance benefits. The health benefits of well-managed job stress include enhanced focus during peak work activities and workplace emergencies, as well as cardiovascular efficiency from aerobic fitness. The performance benefits include enhanced activity level and arousal with their accompanying bursts of physical strength and peak performance. The state of active engagement in meaningful work that produces eustress represents the healthy side of stress consequences. Workers who experience eustress can translate their experience into benefits for the organization, including productivity, organizational agility, and efficiency.

To evaluate the Modifiers of the Stress Response.

The stress response is the psychophysiological pattern that results when an individual is exposed to stressors. The stress response pattern is universal; the intensity, frequency, and consequences of the stress response are not. The ways in which the stress response is exhibited in any individual are moderated by individual and interpersonal factors, including interpersonal communication abilities, personality differences, emotional intelligence, and gender differences. The interaction of these variables with the stress response determines whether the stressor results in positive outcomes (eustress) or negative outcomes (strain). Although many of these moderators are inherent traits, most can also be consciously changed through prevention efforts.


What was the length of the Literature Review?

Literature Review is approximately 6-7 Pages long that consist of around 1500-1700 words.

Approximately how many references were cited?

Approximately 11 references are cited in the article.

Were the references current within 5 years of when the dissertation was completed?

References range between 1997-2003.

Briefly explain how the Literature Review was organized.

The criteria of selection for the literature will be relevance to the research topic and the year of publication. Literature review is organized in a good manner that describes or highlights the research questions as well as highlights the importance to identify the factors that create Job stress and how to resolve them in order to make the working environment better.


What type of methodology was used? ...
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