Assignment 2: Chcdis301b

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Assignment 2: CHCDIS301B

Assignment 2: CHCDIS301B

Part A

Key issues

Dealing with stereotypes and assumptions

The stereotypes and assumptions erode and affect the environment and culture of a workplace. Often, organizations have zero tolerance policy for stereotyping. While dealing with people with disability, we must understand the values personal attitudes of the people. The stereotyping and assumption issues can arise there. The best way to deal with this issue is diversification. The clients must be diversified and trained enough to avoid stereotyping

Accessing services

The accessing services can be improved by applying strict access and equity policies. We can improve these services by effectively communicating the information regarding services available for concerned people.

Meeting goals and individual needs

The disable persons are the most important people (Chisholm Institute, 2012). They have needs and desires. We can help them to achieve tier individual goals and deal, for example, by providing them with career counselling and reporting situations that can cause a health or safety issue.

Understanding family

The family and friends can be the most significant motivating factors for persons with disability. We can include the trusted friends and family members in the care taking process.

Dealing with grief and loss

While dealing with grief and loss, the clients will need moral and psychological support. I can assist the clients by showing empathy and trust towards the client and at the same time motivate him. We can arrange mild recreational activities and workshops to target these specific issues.

Least restrictive practice

The restrictive practice ensures the security of disabled clients, but also be seen as a restriction on freedom. We can set positive strategies for restrictive processes, for example to consult the guardian and immediate family members of the client.

Person-centred approach

We can employ a person-centred approach by making a connection with the client by searching and analyzing the background of clients.

Community education

The examples include, health programs for community, arranging recreation programs and village schooling etc.


Discrimination must not be tolerated. For example, the laws, rules and policies must be taken into consideration for any type of direct or indirect discrimination.

Duty of care

If a person is not fulfilling the duty of care, we must pinpoint his/her actions (Villamanta, 2007). If someone is not complying with duty of care, it is my duty to stop him/her of doing any harm to me or other clients.

Take into account my own values ...