Assignment 2: Academic Intervention Strategies And Rubric Scoring

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Assignment 2: Academic Intervention Strategies and Rubric Scoring

Assignment 2: Academic Intervention Strategies and Rubric Scoring


This assignment is divided into two main parts, where the first part highlights a rubric that addresses strategies utilized when working for students with disabilities. Similarly, the second part of this paper highlights the different academic strategies utilized by servicing staff in a restrictive to a least restrictive learning environment. These are discussed in the following section.


Part 1: Rubric for Efficacy of Intervention Strategies

The following rubric highlighting different intervention strategies has been compiled after reviewing different scholarly articles discussing about different learning interventions for students with learning disabilities. The rubric assesses these interventions under the criteria of being an emergent, proficient or exemplary intervention. The rubric is as follows:


Emerging Intervention

Proficient Intervention

Exemplary Intervention

Class Wide Peer Tutoring -CWPT (Kamps, 1994)

Popular Academic Intervention

Has proven to have achieved good results on the general reading achievement of the students

Aims to integrate students with autism and other disabilities with non-disable students within one inclusive learning environment

Response To Intervention-RTI (Fuchs & Fuchs, 2006)

Provides an early intervention for students who may show early signs of school failure

This intervention strategy is more inclusive in its nature and focuses upon identifying and eliminating any potential signs showed by the student regarding learning disability

This intervention approach identifies and monitors the at-risk students and help them overcome their disabilities

Self-Management Strategy (Harrower & Dunlap, 2001)

Popular Academic Intervention

This strategy promotes classroom independence in terms of that the responsibility of behavior management is shifted from the teacher, to the students. Hence, reducing the student's dependency upon their teacher

This intervention strategy has been proven to be effective for children with disability to fully participate in an inclusive classroom setting

Self-Monitoring Intervention (Rock, 2005)

Popular Academic Intervention

Intervention strategy that aims to reduce class disengagement amongst students with learning disabilities in an inclusive classroom setting

This intervention specifically addresses disengagement amongst low-achieving student in an inclusive classroom setting

Positive Behavioral Intervention (Sugai, 2000)

Popular Academic Intervention

This particular intervention helps in attaining a positive social change

Over the years from being an individual student oriented interventional approach with significant disabilities. This intervention is applied in broader context of schools, communities, students and families

Part 2: List and Chart of the Academic Strategies Utilized

This part of the paper highlights meeting with language pathologist and two teachers, belonging from the local district. The purpose of meeting these distinguished individuals was to ask and prepare a list of academic strategies utilized by ...