Assignment 2

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Assignment 2

Assignment 2

QUESTION 1: We need to write notes of arround 2500 discussing the key technologies this individual could have been using to communicate with his partner and the possible information/problems they might pose to the forensics investigators.

Information and communication technologies

The information and communication technology revolution appeared to have passed the poor by. However, in some corners of the developing world, the technology revolution was quietly having a positive impact on some of the poor. The Internet, he said, had been used to save both lives and the environment. Using the Internet, it had taken hours instead of weeks to link groups managing relief supplies in Washington, D.C,. to needy communities in remote Honduras after Hurricane Mitch had hit in 1998 (Russinovich etal, 2009).

In Jamaica, farmers and students could now go to community cyber-centres to access information about new environment-friendly technologies, all for the cost of a local call. The benefits of the information and communication technology for the poor were, therefore, not just a potential waiting to be fulfilled. Some of the benefits were already flowing. Another beauty of the Internet, he added, was that the information flow was not one-way. It had, in fact, created more room for dialogue and discussion between distant societies, unrestricted by time and space (Rosenblum, 1994). Through e-mail and by joining regional chat rooms in Asia, Europe, Africa or Latin America, such information exchanges could help to foster more accurate understanding of local attitudes in different countries. The majority of the developing countries had been put at a disadvantage with their economic security or even State sovereignty being subjected to severe challenges. Globalization without regulation and a clear purpose would only benefit a small number of people. The first task of the international community was to strengthen effective globalization governance. The new system should represent the interests of the majority of people and have a human face, thus enabling all countries, especially the developing countries, to enjoy the benefits more equitably (Pate, 2003).

The international community should reform the current international financial and trade system, he said. This multilateral system should work to enhance policy coordination and promote cooperation. At the same time, it should ensure that the particular needs of the developing countries be taken into full consideration. Information technology was developing extremely fast, strongly boosting the process of globalization and bringing about many new opportunities for economic growth. Unfortunately, the vast number of people in the developing countries had no access to information technology. This cast a shadow on the prospect of mankind's common development and prosperity (Nagar, 1997). Actions at the national, regional and international levels should be coordinated to create digital opportunities for all people. Friedman's comment above serves to illustrate the profound importance assigned to the cultural and technological forces now reshaping the world. Indeed, Friedman is only one in a long line of commentators and analysts who have ascribed tremendous importance to the forces of globalization and informatization that have already redefined industries, politics, ...
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