Assignment 2

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Assignment 2

Assignment 2

Case 1 - Murder of Andrea Beal

Eyewitness testimony has always been a crucial component in criminal trials. Attorneys depend a great deal on this type of testimony, especially because it seems to be the most persuasive means in convincing the jury of a defendant's guilt. In the case of the rape of Jennifer Thompson, however, a very important question is raised. How can someone be mistakenly convicted of a crime? Because nobody appeared so confident that eyewitness testimony, no one was guilty of committing the rape. Carefully examining this case from a psychological standpoint, one can clearly understand where the faults were made. There are many categories in which these faults can be classified, more specifically that of overconfidence and confirmation bias. These faults also relate to studies performed by various psychologists such as Gary Wells and Elizabeth Loftus.

During the early hours of the morning, Andrea Beal's house was broken into by a man who ended up raping her. Andrea Beal made a conscious effort to remember details of the perpetrator while the rape was occurring. As soon as she saw a chance to escape, she ran to a neighbor's house and called the local authorities. She was taken to a hospital where she underwent the process of providing evidence for a rape kit. She was also questioned by police, where she recalled details of the man who had raped her: African American, male, dark eyes, etc. After her interrogation by the police, they informed her that another woman had been raped in the same area that same night just a few hours after Andrea Beal's rape had taken place. She also found out that another young woman had been raped, as well that night. Afterward, she was shown a photo collection by law enforcement and was asked to select a possible suspect that fit her description of the man from that night. Ultimately, she chose someone from her school, who was later arrested. Furthermore, Andrea Beal mother also singled out Cotton in a physical police line up. She seemed sure that someone from her school was the man who had raped her. Andrea Beal mother testified against Cotton in court, which led to his conviction. Cotton remained in prison for over a decade until he was finally released after DNA testing found him to be innocent.

Looking at this case from a psychological perspective, one can identify the array of errors. Beginning with the rape itself, Andrea Beal mother Thompson stated clearly how she made a conscious effort to "see as much of him as I could."(Andrea Beal mother Thompson, Public Broadcasting System [PBS], 1998) Although Andrea Beal mother tried to focus on remembering details of the event, this type of memory is not always accurate. Enduring stressful situations inhibits one's ability to encode and remember specific information precisely. Elizabeth Loftus, an eyewitness testimony researcher, believes that someone in this type of situation who attempts to memorize details of an incident is not always successful ...
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