Assignment #2

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Assignment #2

Assignment # 2


In this modern era, the world is surrounded by innovations, creativity, and rapid advancements in technologies. This has left the companies no choice but to try and bring in new technologies every time, in order to compete with the other companies. While discussing about the innovation, the first name that comes in to the minds of the customers is Apple Inc. Apple's core motive is based on innovation and technological advancements. This has led the company to reach at the top of the mountain, where it is today, leaving behind all of its competitors.

Apple is considered to be the most valuable company in the world today, when it comes to market capitalization. Apple has been involved in developing and selling innovative products to their customers, such as the iPod, Mac, the iPhone, and also the iPad. These products have revolutionized their respective markets. Every now and then, they have come up with something unthinkable with their products. They have set a benchmark for all other companies, in a way to be more and more innovative from other companies (Anonymous, 2009).

This case study also reflects the approach of technological advancements and innovation Apple has used in order to produce breakthrough products in the market. Furthermore, it also highlights the use of various models and also the management of international technology that has directed the company towards its mission of being the most innovative company in the world. This case study also emphasizes the role of Steve Jobs in the success of Apple Inc (Business, 2012).

Steve Jobs was the co-founder of the company, and the genius mind behind the concept of being innovative and being different from the rest. He emphasized on the culture of thinking differently in the organization, in order to provide insanely great products to its customer base. Every time the company launches a new product, it exceeds the expectation level of its customers. This case study gives a management level overview about the company's progress with the approach of being different and innovative (Business, 2012).

Problems in the development of the innovation and potential solutions

Initially, the company was looking to design personal computers for their customer, which is the reason why the company was initially named as Apple Computer, Inc. The name was changed later on, when the company expanded its business from computer manufacturing to the production of other technologically advanced products (Forbes, 2012).

This rapid change in the business structure of the company came due to their strong focus in the research and development department. Their R&D department always looks to find out such technologies which will be one step ahead of the rest of the companies. This shows how much company is focusing on the strategy of being different by thinking different. The aim of their R&D department is to utilize latest and advanced technologies in order to produce the most innovative and appealing products for their customers (Forbes, 2012).

The work culture at the company was such that the products were given ...