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Tablets and its Applications

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Tablets have found applications in different fields, particularly the banking industry. The purpose of this paper is to identify three different tablet brands and compare their software and hardware features. Additionally, this paper will discuss the introduction of tablet computers in the business environment of Erste Bank Group. In recent times, incredible adoption and popularity of tablets have been witnessed due to the reason that these devices are characterized by a wide range of feature-rich tablet applications. A major reason behind popularity of tablets is that they are convenient to use and extremely portable in nature. Tablets sport a wide range of software and hardware architectures. They come equipped with iOS, Apple, and Windows. The different hardware architecture offer different physical outlook of tablets and different physical features. On the other hand, different software of each tablet provides a different feel to them in terms of use. Therefore, software and hardware of tablets hold crucial importance in each tablet computer.

Task 1 - Comparison of Hardware & Software of Tablet Computers

Identification of Tablet Computer Brands

The brands of tablet computers that have been selected tobe analyzed and aompared in this report include; Sony Xperia, Google Nexus 7, and iPad Mini. These three brands will be compared comprehensively in terms of the hardware and software they entail as well as some of their other features, for instance; operationg system they use, and their respective system chips.

Sony Xperia

Sony Xperia is a touchscreen tablet that was designed by the company Sony in 2012. Xperia has a fast processer, light and thin design and improvised camera. It is an extremely sleek and ultra slim tablet as compared to the tablets of other brands.

Figure 1: Sony Xperia (Sony, 2013, p. 24)


Software of Sony Xperia is based on the famous mobile software platform of Google Android 4.3 Jelly Bean. This software enables a user to have more than one user accounts on the tablet. The different Google software applications such as Google search, Google Play, Google Chat, Maps etc. are present on this tablet.


Sony Xperia features a design that is magazine inspired in nature (Sony, 2013, p. 25). Dimensions of mobile are 10” with 224 ppi. The hardware of the mobile includes a propriety charging port of Sony, a full sized memory card SD slot, and a headphone jack that has a diameter of 3.5 mm. As the device has a multi-port cover installed on it, it becomes splash proof. Additionally, an infrared blaster is installed on the device that works as a universal remote for different electronic devices. The device is installed with Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 Pro processor.

Google Nexus 7

Google Nexus 7 is an Android tablet that boasts an improved design externally as well as internally. It has a fast processor for handling a new crop of applications and games.

Figure 2: Google Nexus 7 (Kennedy, 2013, p. 13)


Google Nexus 7 has introduced an updated version of Android 4.3. This new version brings new features to the tablet which includes virtual surround sound, ...
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