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Abraham, also known as Abram is most commonly known for being the Father of the Jewish people. The majority of the information found on Abraham is located in the Old Testament's Book of Genesis. Other than that, there are no real historical records on the life of Abraham, so the history of his life was passed by word of mouth, and were there after made into biblical stories. There is also the question if Abraham really lived, do to the little information available on his life. Abraham is most famous for making his Covenant with God.

Abram was the first man to whom God appeared. Together, they agreed on one of the first covenants in the Bible's history. Abram was a solemn man. He was the son of Terah. The first time God appeared to Abram was in Herah. God told Abram to go forth from his land to a new land that God will show him. The Lord will make it a great nation, and that he will give him blessings. With that, Abram went as the Lord directed him to the land of Canaan. Abram took with him his wife Sarai, and his nephew Lot (Bright, 1953). He also took with him all of the possessions that he had accumulated. When they arrived in Canaan, they passed through the Holy place of Shechem. The Lord appeared to Abram and presented him with that land. Immediately, Abram built an altar and gave praise to God. After he moved to Bethel, he then moved on to Negeb.


Abraham would have lived somewhere between the years of 2000 and 1500 BC. He was born in the city of Ur. Abraham's real name was Abram. The father of Abram , Terach, had two other sons , Haran and Nachor. While living in the city of Ur , Abram married his half-sister, Sarai who later took on the name of Sarah. The newlyweds later learned that Sarai was sterile. They then traveled north to Charan, accompanied by Abraham's father Terach. While in Charan Terach died (Wood, 1752). It was in Charan where God made his first of a series of revelations to Abram. God spoke to Abram, and told him that he would promise to bless him and make a great nation of him. Abram willingly decided to follow God to the city of Canaan. Abram not only traveled with his wife on this journey, but he also picked up his nephew, Lot. He lived his life in Canaan as a Nomad. Famine eventually struck the land of Canaan , forcing Abram and his family to move on to Egypt. In Egypt, Abram was fearful that the Egyptians would kill him and take his wife Sarai if they were to discover that the two were married. Abram attempted to cover this up by telling everyone that he and Sarai were just brother and sister. The Pharaoh demanded that Sarai be brought to his palace, and as result, God sent down plagues which devastated all of ...
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