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Answer 2

Globalization can be defined in many ways. Some think of globalization as an expansion of global linkages, organization of social life on global scale, and growth of global consciousness, therefore a consolidation of world society, while others describe globalization as the faster, more universal connection of separate points on the globe, and others say that it's the integration of states through increasing contact, communication and trade to create a single global system where the process of change binds people together in a common fate.

How is globalization good? Proponents for globalization believe that globalization creates jobs in the world market, but many of these jobs are mainly in the developing countries. They claim that because globalization expands economic freedom and encourages competition it raises productivity and living standards of all. Mexican President Ernesto Zedillo, while addressing the World Economic Forum in 2000, stated that "trade was the most powerful instrument for making labor conditions converge across nations." Those who are pro-globalization believe that using a global economy can reduce the amount of poverty in the world. And by using a world economy, they believe that inequality will also be reduced. They believe that by giving the poor a chance to improve their lives, a better, more hopeful future will come about. Many believe that globalization promotes the spreading of cultures. Through globalization, people throughout the world can be educated about other cultures and, by doing so, become more familiar with people from those cultures. Cultural changes are the most direct way that people can experience globalization.

Are there things to worry about with globalization? There are those who think so. Opponents of globalization claim that all globalization does is make those who are rich richer, and those who are poor, poorer. They also claim that globalization damages the independence of the countries it is supposed to help, making them lose the ability to stay independent. By taking goods from a larger, stronger country, the smaller, poorer country becomes dependant and unable to care for itself. By doing so, the smaller country will never be self sufficient. Because of that dependence, the smaller country slowly drains resources from the larger country. Some anti-globalizationists see globalization as global westernization, or just western domination. In fact, Mark Twain once said about the United States, "It is yet another Civilized Power, with its banner of the Prince of Peace in one hand and its loot-basket and its butcher-knife in the other."

Answer 3

In industrialized countries in which most people can earn a living only by working for others, being unable to find a job is a serious problem. Because of its human costs in deprivation and a feeling of rejection and personal failure, the extent of unemployment is widely used as a measure of workers' welfare. The proportion of workers unemployed also shows how well a nation's human resources are used and serves as an index of economic activity. Economists have described the types of unemployment as frictional, structural, and ...
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