Industrial Practice in Marketing

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Industrial Practice in Marketing

Industrial Practice in Marketing


Every individual is unique in terms of capabilities & skills. Skills are not inherited rather acquired. For this reason, individuals have to assess their interpersonal skills. In this way, they are able to address the skill gap, which may hinder their progress as a professional. Individuals need to develop certain skills in order to excel in their chosen career. For instance, a management position requires exceptional communication skills (Cottrell, 2010, p.11). Similarly, the hospitality profession requires aesthetic sense in the individuals.

In this assignment, the discussion elaborates the nine sets of skills. Also, the write up presents personal reflection on the skills. In the second part of the assignment, the discussion assesses interpersonal skills. Moreover, the write up presents a plan for improving interpersonal skills in an indentified career.


Self Awareness

Self awareness is the capability of recognizing & understanding the actual personality characteristics. In other words, it is about knowing the interpersonal attributes. The term, self awareness, allows one to be aware of his personal strengths & weaknesses. Moreover, it allows one to comprehend his feeling, emotions, behaviours, & thoughts. The primary benefit of “self awareness” is that a person can gain better control on his social behaviours. Also, it assists in dealing with our weaknesses in a better way. Self-awareness can be built by performing a SWOT analysis on interpersonal skills (Dan & Joseph, 2012, p.14).

I am aware that I tend to work through planning. A task, without a plan, makes me stressed up. I had to complete an assignment in one week time. Knowing that I may panic, I distributed my tasks on day to day basis. In this way, I was able to complete the assignment on time.Problem Solving Numeracy

Problem Solving Numeracy is the skill by which a person reasons & solves problem using concepts. It allows an individual to apply the conceptual & theoretical knowledge on a practical problem. In this way, an individual is able to resolve an issue based on what he has learnt. Problem Solving Numeracy is the ability of a person to solve issues through numerical analysis. There are a number of business problems which require numerical analysis, such as profit & revenue generation.

In my professional life, there been many times when I have to use my analytical skills (for resolving an issue). I had to close 80 leads in the CRM for 7 distinct order types. More than 50% leads needed to be classified into multiple order types. In order to solve the issue, I sorted the leads (containing multiple order types) from that of the single order type. In this way, the leads were closed on the basis of single & multiple order types, instead of 7 distinct order types.


Enterprising skill demonstrates a broad spectrum of expertises. It is the ability of an individual to possess multiple personality dimensions. It does not refer to the capability of being “self-employed”; rather, it demonstrates the varying dimension of a personality (such as team building ...
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