Evolution of Marketing

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Part A

Evolution of Marketing

The marketing concept stormed the market in the mid-fifties with a completely new philosophy advocating customer orientation and its reaction. The aim of this concept is not to find the right products for customers, but the make the customers to buy the products. The aim of this concept is to make your company performed better and more efficiently as compared to competitors for superior customer value to certain target market. Past researchers described the perception of contrasts between marketing and sales concepts which focuses on the need of buyer and seller (Tehrani, 2005, 6). Some researchers engaged in the manufacturing marketing concepts found that the company that controls it achieves better performance, in practice we call responsive market orientation, which is expressed understanding and meeting customer needs.

Moreover, holistic marketing concept is relatively new and data calls for new marketing and new business practices. Companies have had nowadays more options to perform marketing, perhaps using the internet (Tehrani, 2008, 1-2). Marketers of 21st century so looking coherent approaches that are beyond the traditional approaches established by marketing. The concept of holistic marketing mainly depends on the development, design and functioning of marketing processes, activities and programs which is based on virtually everything. In addition to this, social marketing concept has a simple objective that is to know the customer's needs into account the needs of the company and sell it. This concept seeks to reconcile the needs and wishes of the customer's long-term needs of society (Faville, 1963, 116).

Theoretical Framework

In the short term, marketing is the ability to create attention, arouse needs and generate purchase decision. The focus is on working with different media and sales channels. In today's digital reality where lots of media and sales channels are available, it becomes increasingly difficult for marketers to choose the right, reach out and make an impact on the target groups. It is a big challenge when the options are many and the budget for sales activities and media buying has to be justified from a business perspective. It is also a great challenge to create a balance between activities that will drive sales and measures aimed at building brand.

In the long term, marketing offers customer solutions where the provider and the client work together to create value. The marketing focus then becomes how the company creates and develops relationships, not only with their customers but also with the network of suppliers and distributors; the company cooperates with the creation of value.

Marketing mix

Marketing mix can be characterized as a conscious combination of marketing techniques to achieve optimal strategy and tactical strategy. Main focus of marketing is that the strategy should address the problems of the future, therefore focuses on corporate strategy. The marketing mix includes four main marketing tools; serve to implement the objectives and goals of the company:


The product is the most important component of the marketing mix and is everything what can and can meet the needs and desires of ...