Special children are those that require adequate care to their differences. We can speak of care inherent survival, such as food, and also needs relative to their overall development. What is important to note is that, in terms of health, a special child can be compromised. It is essential to understand the cause of the child's special needs, as they define how the brain was affected. Since the brain is the command centre, it is always possible that a child with special needs go also have health complications. These complications, in itself implies specific medical monitoring and care considered.
The problems that occur during birth and can affect the health of the child. The most common problems are related to the immune system. This being affected, it becomes more difficult for the child, leaving the disease cycle. A child gets sick when exposed to a pathogen and your body triggers the defence process, leading to improved health status. For this to happen it is necessary that the child is strong and generally healthy. When this happens, you can not recover completely, affecting the ability of your immune system to respond positively and satisfactorily.
In terms of child development, encouragement and constant monitoring by adults caring for the child and the health professional help to define the diagnosis and strategies that best contribute to improve the skills of the child, within the framework of its development and needs.
When it comes to children with special needs, issues related to social interaction become even more important since, by having some limitations, for example, about the possibilities of locomotion and exploration of objects, are often considered unable to participate and contribute in group activities. Thus, children with special needs are often isolated from contact with their partners and have restricted the relationship with the adult interactions. This isolation can occur in relationships with relatives and neighbours, at school, and in relationships of therapeutic character.
Some children experience difficulties in school, from issues with language, learning, concentration, and perception to issues with behaviour and / or keeping and making friends. These problems can be caused by any of the following issues: emotional problems, learning disabilities (or disability), physical disorders, behavioural problems and psychiatric disorders. These children with special needs generally have the right to receive special accommodations or services in the public school system. Federal law provides for each child to receive appropriate and free education in the least restricted setting. It also gives the child with special needs the right to receive additional services. To support the learning ability in school there are three federal laws that apply to children with special or additional needs:
The Education Act for Individuals with Disabilities - "The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA, 1996)"
The Rehabilitation Act, Section 504 - "Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1974"
The Americans with Disabilities Act - "The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA, 1990)"
Each state has different criteria for procedures, services available, eligibility, for implementing federal laws and procedures ...