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Task 2

Customer Need Analysis

It is important for the hotel to have a customer need analysis so that their requirements can be fulfilled. It is also imperative for hotel to know that it is not a statement which depicts how to make products easier to purchase, nor an idea or solution; as the customers buy services and products to get the job done.

Hotel marketing which also entails services is all about helping people get what they want through available resources giving hotel's customers know that what they are interested. For clarification, it should be noted that when we talk about giving customers what they want and need, not necessarily regarding hotel services. On the other hand, a lot of managers of hotel make the mistake of trying to sell something quickly, and as the first step. However, it is important and curial to give the services to customer of what they need.

Customer Feedback Survey Questionnaire

1. How convenient is hotel services to you?

Not at all convenient

Slightly convenient

Moderately convenient

Very convenient

Extremely convenient

2. Hotel service quality is better as compared to hotel competitors?

Much worse

Slightly worse

About the same

Slightly better

Much better

Customer Service Policies

Customer Expectations

In order to constantly validate the service quality of hotel, it is important to know that when hotel stop delivering service that meet customers' expectations that is changing suppliers without knowing why (Cochran, 2003, 49-76). Therefore, it is very important for hotel to monitor not only the objectively measurable indicators, but also subjective indicators that is customer perceived service quality.

Current Quality of Customer Service

The current quality of customer service of hotel should be done in accordance with the market. This means the hotel should at least provide services so that tough competitions to be given that can help the hotel in surviving the industry.

Use of Data and Feedback

The customer responses or feedback should ...