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Assignment in Medical Biotechnology

Assignment in Medical Biotechnology


Answer 1

Recombinant protein production is the protein expression that has been producing by technique of DNA (Herrera, 1989). Such process enables substance to be me made in larger quantities. It has a therapeutic effect of proteins. According to Kellathur & Lou, (2012) It is considering as a huge improvement in the human body insulin and hormone obtaining human growth because presences of protein obtained from cadavers and it results transmission of disease. Making insulin this way is also beneficial because it has enabled different variants of insulin to be made that have various pharmacological actions in the body.

Answer 2

Study indicates that Wnt proteins transmit intercellular signals that are crucial for homeostasis development of metazoan animals to human from hydra. Abnormal Wnt signalling causes of a growing number of diseases that includes osteoporosis and cancer. Study indicates that Dch/ Dvl proteins are organize the cellular signalling complexes that make sure accurate information signal amplification, routing and dynamic control through the feedback regulation (Schwarz-Romond, 2005). They also indicates that cell biological mechanism and biochemical by Dvl proteins accomplish these remarkable task remain obscure.

Ciani & Salinas, (2005) emphasizes on the different vertebrate animals have different activities towards different changes on signalling of protein transmissions.

Answer 3

• An intern based system may possibly reduce the production cost through facilitating a highly selective affinity by using inexpensive substrate, such as chitin.

•The development has enabled all kind of production which is consider as higher added value to recombinant proteins and industrial enzyme applications.

•The essential of number of molecular tool is a well recognized Escherichia coli that can be developed to higher concentration of biomass and allow production of higher amount.

•Plasmid is extra chromosomal self replicating cytoplasm DNA elements that found in eukaryotes and prokaryotes. They both have been used as a molecular vehicle since dawn of genetic engineering. It is popular choice when prokaryotes as hosts. As manipulation of genetic plasmids is easy.

•Metabolic load is most of the time results in to decrease the growth rate of plasmid bearing cells. As number of copies increases, metabolic load is also increases but growth rate is decreases. Secondly, faster growing plasmid free cells are also eventually overtaking culture. Integration of chromosomal is a powerful alternative for upcoming problems of expression stability, furthermore burden of plasmid replication and maintenance.


Answer B1

The production of subunit or indicators molecules can be achieved through the isolation of key genetic sequences; a major technique in molecular biology, this is done by inserting genetic sequence in a perfectly matched host. Proteins are produced from pathogen upon infection. The gene programming such a protein is inaccessible from the causal organism and use to grow a recombinant DNA. According to Ciani & Salinas, (2005) DNA is expressed in an additional mass organism, like hereditarily engineered microbes; animal cells; etc, resultant in the free of the suitable proteins which are then inaccessible and ...