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Answer 1

Deskilling/enskilling debate is the strategy under which the skilled labor of the specific industry or economy is replaced by the semiskilled or unskilled workers. This happens when the organizations adopt the cost saving particles. This results in lower investment in human capital and weakens the bargaining power of the human capital.

Deskilling/enskilling is criticizes at various levels as it lead to the reduction of quality, demean labor and undermine communities.

Answer 2

CSR is referred as the corporate social responsibility. It is often observed that, the term, corporate social responsibility can also used as corporate ethics, sustainable development, sustainability, social enterprise, corporate citizenship, corporate responsibility and in several cases it is referred as corporate governance (Jonker, 2006). CSR or corporate social responsibility may significantly help in understanding the methods through which any organization or business may affect the social or economical conditions of the people. This may incorporate all the practices and policies that are followed by any organization in order to improve the society as well as their business standards, both on iinternational and national levels.

Some of the drawbacks of CSR are that it reduces the profitability of the organizations in long run. Similarly, most of the people consider CSR as marketing strategy of organizations to enhance market share.

Answer 3

The role of 'control' in call centre organizations is to gather the information with respect to the resources. The core function of management control system is to maintain or change patterns in organizational activities by recording the formal information-based routines and procedure. This is the system which is used to enforce the organizational strategies in order to achieve the required objectives and goals. Therefore, these type of performance management systems work as a bridge between strategy formulation and task control. For effective control of change following principles must be followed in call centre companies:

Identification of any act that is conflicting with terms and conditions.

Communication in writing to the other party.

Seeking approval and authorization from authorized personnel.

Estimation of cost, timeline and approval.

Team members' agreement in writing to adhere to the changes with regards to time and cost.

Answer 4

The unit of human resource management is such organization's functional area which is accountable for each and every feature of supporting and hiring employees (for instance, administering and providing employee benefits). Moreover, international human resource management is accountable for hiring, promotion, recruitment, separation, support and training of employees in order to enhance the productivity and performance of the organization. The department of human resource management in the organization plays an effective role because it helps in enhancing the performance of the organization. The human resource management in the organization is crucial because it encompasses the process which evaluates the needs of human resource, finds people in order to fill those vacant needs. The department of human resource management applies such human resources in complicated systems in such a way which will help people in succeeding by improving the performance and decreasing human errors (Beck, ...