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Costumer Service Assignment: Starbucks Coffees

Costumer Service Assignment: Starbucks Coffees

Report Task 1

This segment of the assignment entails discussion about customer service policy. The scenario behind this task is that being an employee of the chosen organization Starbucks, I recently prepared some training material my manager was really impressed and asked me to develop a report about customer service policy to be included in the new staff induction training manual. The framework of this policy would be discussed in great detail in the following sections of this report.

Understanding Customer Service Policies

Before discussing about what customer service policies are, it's only prudent that a brief overview about the broad field of customer service is provided. According to Brady & Cronin (2001) any successful organization must have a customer-oriented culture. as customer service and management is an integral component of marketing management and the main driving force for any business organization to earn revenues (Athanassopoulos, 2000). Similarly, Hoffman & Ingram (1992) notes that the firms who are customer oriented are always using marketing intelligence that helps them design marketing strategies in order for them to reap favourable outcomes such s higher volume of customer purchasing their goods and services. While, Cooper (1995) sheds light on the internal customer of an organization, which are its employees and stresses importance that like the external customer, a business organization must also focus as much upon its internal customer, who by doing so would result in better service provision and service enhancement at an organizational level.

Similarly, Pynnönen, (2011) and Christopher (2007) argue that generating customer value through service enhancement not only results in higher profit margin through best work practices but also greatly improves many of the organization's functions and efficacy. Likewise, Miller (2004) highlights that today many business organizations are stressing upon building comprehensive customer service policies. This may be because customers are now considered more as a direct stakeholder of an organization rather than an external one. These policies encompasses framework that help customer understand about what they can expect from the organization in terms of service and what other relevant measures that they can take or have options to avail in different circumstances. For example, returning and funding policies of any business would be different and customer having knowledge about such important policies could take the corrective action accordingly.

Moreover, using modern technology such as CRM software plays a key role in designing and delivering of a customer service policy. In brief it could be summed up that customer service policy is an important tool for reaching to customers and generating customer loyalty, and for the purposes of developing a cohesive customer service policy and its implementation, rigorous training is essential to be provided to the staff in order to fulfil their different needs and expectations (Miller, 2004).

Reasons for using Customer Service Policies

Customer service policies play a strategic role in terms of generating revenue for the organization, for example, Hampton Inn hotels through implementing intelligent customer service policies incurred additional $11 million dollars in revenue ...