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ED1000: Achieving Greater Success in Higher Education in the Next Academic Year

ED1000: Achieving Greater Success in Higher Education in the Next Academic Year


This reflective paper highlights the view of the writer who wants to achieve university degree in the next academic year. This paper includes different segments of discussion under different topic headings that highlight how the writer plans to attain greater success in education for the upcoming academic year. The paper begins with Topic A that reviews some of the key terms found in the topic. This is followed by Topic B that reviews the writer's higher education objectives to be attained in the next academic year. Topic C in this paper would deal with an evaluation of the poor performance in the first module paper submission and how not achieving a pass grade for ED1000 has personally affected the writer. Lastly, topic D explores the chances of success by which the writer could enhance their performance in the submission of this paper as well as better equip myself with techniques and knowledge to succeed with my goals in the next academic year. The main topics highlighted above are discussed as below.

Topic A: Definition of Key Terms

This section highlights the important definition of the terms used in the topic of this paper. These are as follows:


According to the online resource of the Oxford Dictionary, success is defined as the accomplishment of a purpose or an aim, which may result in the attainment of wealth, social esteem, fame (, 2013). However, defining success is a complex and difficult task as it is more determined through its outcomes and different attributes in terms of measuring this phenomena. For example, personal satisfaction, accomplishment of a goal or a personal desire, social recognition and esteem, are some of the measures through which success is achieved (The LAB, 2010).

Higher Education

There is no basic definition of higher education. This term is usually attributed to describing one of the post-school education segments that includes higher education and further education. Commonly it is said that the university education to attain a degree takes a minimum period of three years. Some of the common degrees used to describe Higher Education include the Bachelor's Degree, Master's Degree and a PhD or a Doctorate Degree ( Each of the three latter mentioned degrees go before one another upon because of the level of academic education and complexity. Moreover, a Higher Education Institutes are those recognized bodies or accredited degree awarding institutes that deliver higher education courses or programs (, 2011).

Academic Year

According to Rivlin (2004) academic year refers to the beginning of a term, semester or a module for a course or educational degree. In the UK, academic year usually begins at the beginning of autumn till the end of spring. However, educational practices varies from institute-to-institute and hence, every different educational institutes has its own plan of academic year, where some prefer scheduling it from beginning of fall till end of spring.

Success in Higher Education

The meaning of this term highlights ...