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Module 4- How People Learn

Module 4- How People Learn

Q1. Compare and contrast two approaches to the development of literacy

Balanced approach is one of the most commonly used approaches for the development of literacy. Some view that to offer various stages of child control and teacher support, balanced literacy is the only way. Others perceive balanced literacy as a thought about mutual development of writing and reading. A third perspective is understanding of balanced literacy as a combination of skills-based and whole language instruction (Pressley &, 2002). All researchers can agree that a balance of elements is comprised by the balanced literacy, even though it may be an evasive concept. Through explicit comprehension, vocabulary, expressiveness and fluency, phonemic awareness and teaching of phonic, the essential dimensions are stressed by the balanced literacy. The key features of this approach are the systematic word study instruction, writing workshop, reading work-shop, independent reading time and daily read-aloud (Reutzel & Cooter, 2000). The students are allowed by the teachers to independently and successfully apply those strategies to their own writing and reading, by coaching them in small-group or individual conferences.

The use of verbal and visual is another effective approach for the development of literacy. The literacy practice developed through verbal and visual arts have been well developed from the active experiences with the visual arts that usually include the dialogue and questioning also known as art talk. In the recently developed creative literacy practice the mental activity of the children is constructed and transferred to the children through the dialogues they conduct with other people. Art making and art talk are two mode used extensively nowadays to develop the language among the young children especially (Macmillian, 2006, p.1). The major activities used for art talks are through visual memory development, social-emotional development fine motor development and cognitive development. The idea behind this literacy practice is that learning about different artist techniques enables an individual to extend the language approach. This opportunity is widely used in the schools environments where young children are given the opportunity to understand and learn when talking to them about their artwork. Mastery of information and literacy is an essential aspect utilized by scholars and researchers in advance learning research as well as development where influential gains necessary data which is vital in their management activity. The amalgamation of literacy information into the educational learning is important to take advantage of the depiction of leaders' skill and reliability within the management and leadership arena.

Environment has a great impact on our lives and everyone is aware of this fact. Learning is considered to be one of the most important skills and is also essential for everyone. One of the unique human traits is their ability to learn. To learn means to change. You can learn doing, seeing or listening to, but also breathing and embracing. However, there is no learning without motivation because the passion is the mother of thought. The learning of human beings is socio-cultural, that takes place from the ...