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Data Analysis


The study is related to analysis of the data which guides towards different hypotheses as these hypothesis will help resolve in the answering the given research questions. In given below, the hypotheses of the study are mentioned;


Alcohol abuse in the Hispanic community is becoming a serious problem. Hispanic teens are drinking alcohol at a level higher than African Americans and white non-Hispanics. There are differences between different ethnic groups. The Caribbeans, Central Americans and Cubans have higher levels of drug and alcohol use than other Hispanic groups. Mexicans and Puerto Ricans have a level of alcohol consumption and higher alcohol than the general population in the United States. There are differences among Hispanics born in the United States and those born outside. Those born in the United States are more likely to use alcohol and develop drug than those born in another country. Drug and alcohol use among Hispanics is the highest compared with that of non-Hispanic whites and African-Americans. Many Hispanics also report having used alcohol for the first time at a younger age than whites and African Americans. Arizona Hispanics have a higher percentage than alcohol that the state average. Hispanics in Arizona ranked fourth highest in drug use and alcohol related problems (Zakhari S. 2006).

Asian Americans

There are many differences within the Asian American community. In general, Asian Americans report less drug use and alcohol than other groups. Drug and alcohol occurs more with those born in the United States than with those born in another country. People born in the United States are 3 times more likely to use alcohol. This pattern of drug use and alcohol lowest among Asian Americans compared with other groups also occurs in Arizona (Heath, D.B. 1995).

Hypothesis Assessment Summary

Ho: There is significant positive relationship between the use of alcohol and ethnic groups.

The null hypothesis is rejected as there is negative relationship of use of alcohol with the ethnic groups.

Data Analysis and Discussion

One-Sample Test

Test Value = 18



Sig. (2-tailed)

Mean Difference

95% Confidence Interval of the Difference



What would you expect an average evening meal entree item alone to be priced?







From the above one sample t-test, it can be said that the significance value of the test is greater than 0.05 reflecting that the for the test value 18, the hypothesis is accepted. This shows that patrons are willing to pay $18 or more for the entrees.

One-Sample Test

Test Value = 200



Sig. (2-tailed)

Mean Difference

95% Confidence Interval of the Difference



How many total dollars do you spend per month in restaurants (for your meals only)?







It can be observed from the above table that for the test value 200, the testing is rejected as the significance value is less than 0.05. This shows that it is not expected that patrons spends an average of $200 a month on food.

Please check the letter that includes the Post Code in which you live (coded by letter).

Observed N

Expected N


A (1 & 2)




B (3, 4, & 5)




C (6, 7, 8, & ...