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HCM640: Week 1: Assignment

HCM640: Week 1: Assignment


A nursing home is normally considered as the highest level of care for the older person that is living outside the hospital. The nursing care at homes are provided called das the custodial care, involving getting out of a bad, and the providing assistance for feeding, dressing and bathing (Bryson, 1988). Training of nursing facility staff is to make ensure that the each nurse can identify the potential economic issue in the place of work and also capable to understand measure accessible to reduce the risk damage of patient. As the consultant for nursing facility staff my objective is to provide an economically training that can integrated into the general performance of training requirement and practices of jobs (Dessler, 2008). The effective training covers the problem in each job employees. In this paper as a consultant of American Association of Critical Care Nurses (AACN) that offers that nursing facility staff to implement the injury prevention efforts and focusing on residential lighting ad the methods of repositioning that have achieve the considerable achievement in the work reduction injuries as well as connected with reimbursement of cost. I also guide them about safer stand more como0frmatbel work procedure that has also resulting the additional benefits to facilitate that and reduce the staffing turnover, reduction of absenteeism, employees morale improvement and increase the comfortable work.

American Association of Critical Nurses

This is touted as the world largest organization that represents over 500, 0000 nurses in the current time in the critical care as well as acute nursing (Mitchell, 1989). This was established in year 1969 that support the educate nursing working as home care.

Vision and Mission

Company is dealing in critically ill patients and will have nurses who actively questioning their practice and based their practices on research. Mist of the time patient and their families and heavily relay on nurses from patient care.

Strategic planning Process importance

As you know that the every successful business has a plan and knows where it heading in the coming years. Strategic planning is the assessment of nursing division the strength and weakness that covers the factors that affect the performance and facilitating the objectives achievements (to recover the patient from injury in quick session period of time). This strategic planning process will be effective for both direct and long and the short terms objectives (Mintzberg, 1990).

Strategic planning is the mental proves that deciding the organization in the long term goals that describe the strength, weakness as well as threats (Lee, 2002). As the consultant I will first go through the process of strategic planning prices with all the staff members in this nursing organization. They will also compare and talk about that everyone will move together through the different levels of implementing the plan. As a consultant I will also address the any other concerns that the staff might have about the procedure for the strategic process of planning. The major goal is totally meet the patient ...