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1. Elaborate with support of theory and examples why Henry Mintzberg's managerial categories are still thought to be relevant today, even though modern ideas of management have changed?

An expert of management science Mintzberg has proposed that the work of manager can be concluded to ten most important rules. He further argued that these role and responsibilities or expectations for the required behavior of manager can be fall into three major categories. These categories are interpersonal; which deals with the effective management through peoples, informational; pertaining to the management by the means of information and decisional; it is related to the management by actions.

The informational category has three main subgroups. 1) The role of monitoring is related to seek work related information. 2) Disseminator controls the flow of information within the organization. 3) As a spokesperson manager communicate the information outside the organization.

Interpersonal category is divided into 1) figurehead where manager carries out legal and social duties and represent the organization as a symbolic leader. 2) Manager has to perform duty of liaison officer, where he maintain and establish contacts and relations within and outside the company. 3) In performing the duty of leader, a manager is supposed to motivate and direct his subordinate and arrange and train the employees.

The third main category is decisional which has three main sub categories. 1) In performing the role of entrepreneur, his role is to identify new ideas and concepts and to start the process of improvement projects. 2) Manager deals with problems and disputes and takes corrective and timely decisions to correct the problems as a disturbance handler. 3) In performing the duties of resource handler, he is in decision power to decide whether to apply required resources. 4) Last but not the least role of manager is to negotiate with effective techniques for the best interest of the organization.

Currently business organizations are faced with number of issues which were not faced by organization few decades ago. Therefore the roles and responsibilities of managers are also increased and creating overlaps of roles and responsibilities. That is why the theory of Mintzberg is still applicable and relevant to modern business organization. In hotel management industry, Mintzberg is still relevant. The research conducted on the hotel industry examined the utility of Mintzberg's model of management and it studied his model across different cultures. The study found out interesting challenges to Mintzberg's ten managerial roles but overall the study endorsed the applicability and relevancy of Mintzberg's managerial categories (Tengblad, 2006).

2. Explain with why improving hygiene factors in Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory can eliminate job dissatisfaction, but cannot increase job satisfaction.

Herzberg Two-Factor theory is aimed to understand the job satisfaction level of employees and proposed that the job satisfaction of employee consist of two factors. First category is motivators, which tend to increase the job satisfaction level of employees. These include achievements, recognition, responsibilities, chances of growth, the nature of job, advancement. These factors are likely to raise the level of job ...