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Complex problematic situation in an organization

Complex problematic situation in an organization

A summary description of the organizational context

There is an ABC organization of software development working with 3000 employees. This organization aims to develop high sales from developing software. The main purpose of this organization is to work and provide services locally as well as internationally. In ABC organization the main motive can be derived by capturing the best possible human resource from the market available. The best human resource is strength for the organization to give awesome business. Therefore, the ABC organization of software development is seeking a systematic approach of hiring efficient employees in order to give their best possible effort to enhance the business of the company (Hardgrave, 2009).

A succinct description of the problem situation

In an ABC organization, there is a severe complex problematic situation of managing human resource. Human resource department is considered to be the backbone of any organization and in an ABC organization of software development there are many problems of human resource due to which organization is facing a lot of problem internally as well as externally to maintain their standards of quality.

The main problem is to evaluate the performance of the employees and give them encouragement by providing them incentives and increments in their salaries. The system of evaluation is very much week, therefore, an organization is unable to judge the qualities and merits of the employees in order to gain positive results out of them. There are many evident facts which help and support a better understanding to the importance of human resource management in any organization. For the ABC organization of software development is require to appoint some of the professionals which could be able to boost up organizational business and make a good reputation of an organization in the market of software development (Armstrong, 2000).

Methodologies based on the use of metaphor and the system of systems methodologies (S0SM)

A system of systems methodology is an approach of tackling the problematic complex situation in an organization which is facing a complex problem of human resource. It is one of the concepts with the systems approach and inters Trans disciplinary, form the three sets that interact to form a system that integrates the fundamental concepts of the study for the development and implementation of systems. Its characteristics are analyzed, and the trends of divergence or convergence and synthesis are presented.

The methodological emphasis is detected from the beginning of systemic movement, but perhaps for lack of clarity of the concepts and the supposed ease of understanding and implementation, academic and professional activities focused on the development, application and diffusion of systems have different emphases, not just one of the three basic concepts. Regarding methodology, also have different emphasis to the key areas, which by their very nature, should be considered inseparable and that in the specific activity in question have to question and seek better balance or more appropriate, to be given to each component without ignoring ...
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