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Assignment: 4 out of 5 Tasks

Assignment: 4 out of 5 Tasks

Task 1

'The goal of classroom management is to promote quality learning environments that foster self-discipline and personal responsibility.' (McDonald, 2010).

Classroom management is the name of a process that teacher use to ensure that lessons in class room run smoothly and aids students in having a quality learning time, assume responsibility of their actions and disciplining themselves. These aspects of classroom management can all be seen to some extent if the teacher is effectively management the students. The more teachers are effective in classroom management, the more extensively these outcomes will be visible. The term classroom management also entails the prevention of disruptive behaviour by the students. The prevention of such behaviour by students is hard to manage. Many teachers give up on this aspect and it results in quitting teaching as well in extreme cases. US National Education Association in the year 1981 reported that, 36% of the teacher reported that they would not choose teaching if they were again given a chance to select their profession. This disruptive behaviour by the students might be one of the reasons behind this regret. Another major reason behind this regret is the negative attitude and discipline of students.

This disciplined and self-responsibility can be developed in students with patience and right type of class management. It is important that teacher while being democratic also maintains the class room discipline and do not lose control. Once a teacher loses the control over the class it becomes even more difficult to regain that discipline in class (Moskowitz & Hayman, 1976). It is the teaching style and level of involvement of teacher with the students that enables the understanding of the deep causes of individual students and their behaviours. It is quality of teaching and classroom management techniques that enables a teacher to understand the psychology of child and pitch the right solution to is evident in researches that, poor classroom management skills result in wastage of time and ultimately result in lower rate of class room's academic engagement (Brophy & Good. 1986).

Respect, motivation and discipline are closely related to class management. Education psychology is very vast and beliefs of teacher vary from one another. The methodologies are different from teacher to teacher; however, the goal of classroom management revolves around self-discipline and responsibility. The quality learning time is essential for these outcomes. Teacher ensure interactive classroom sessions, giving all the participants fair chance of expressing themselves, involving with them in conversation and indirectly letting them know the importance of self-responsibility.

The focus in old days was to strictly apply the rules; the new focus is success oriented. Instead of warning children that if they do not follow then, punishment will be given, it is more effective to say that, if you do this then this is the positive outcome you get. This directs the students towards self-responsibility and disciplined behaviour.

Task 2

How do teachers develop a welcoming and caring classroom environment? How does this ...
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