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Answer of Question No (1)

Challenges and Analytical behaviorism rejects this assumption, in common with functionalism. Most rodeos and simple analytical behaviorism argues that the statements on the mind and mental states are, after analysis, as equivalent to statements that describe the public behavior of a real person and potential. There is in this perspective ultimately nothing more than the mental state of a person who shows some behavior that he or she presents, or, in appropriate circumstances, is ready to show.

First, it makes the nature of the relationship of mind body transparent: the mind is the problem, real and potential of the body. The spirit is causing the behavior: the behavior. (Chomsky, 2007, 18)

Concerns about the nature of the mind conceived as an immaterial substance can not arise. The non-mental properties mystery dark and mysterious no mind to consider. Should be a behaviorist at all concerned about the relationship of mind to the brain, the problem reduces to the purely scientific that internal physical states are causally responsible for different behaviors. All speculations on how the physical properties can not come from physical processes underlying becomes superfluous.

Cartesian dualism, seems to have knowledge of mental states other than their own, impossible. Mental states are fundamentally private domain where only the person whose moods are accessible. Behaviorism ignores this problem, because to see someone's behavior (Chomsky, 2007, 18), we see his mind in action. Animals, spirits, too, can be granted, because animals have a range of behaviors from simple to complex. Thus, the Cartesian gap between us and the rest of the animal disappears.

Answer of Question (2)

Any fan of science fiction met the theme of artificial intelligence (AI): intelligent machines to think for themselves. In the real world, although for the moment, humans can relax. Science has a long way to go before these intelligent machines are a fictional reality. Since the 1950s, scientists have worked continuously in the many individual elements that are intended to compensate the IA. (Churchland, 2004, 45)

To understand what the AI must look at the two words. Assuming that the term "intelligence" includes cognitive skills related to the ability to solve problems, learn or understand from experience, to obtain and maintain knowledge, to respond quickly and successfully to a new environment and understand language. Put the words versus artificial intelligence, which means that the information be reproduced or simulated. While scientists are still trying to determine what is human intelligence, they have learned to use computers to simulate (Churchland, 2004, 45), or simulate, our own thought processes in an effort to achieve a clearer understanding of what are the elements of intelligence. Even today, we are much better than the teams benefit from the use of research and development of artificial intelligence technology.

Answer of Question No (3)

The pain and problems dominate us. Every day and every hour we are constantly seeking solutions for our pain and problems. Use the Pain-Agitate-Solve Formula for keeping people in their tracks, the nearest nostalgia for his response and ...
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