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Structural Frame

Top down, close supervision, sequential work and specialized tasks.

Patterns of expectations and procedures for Blue prints.

Hierarchical and rule oriented are the stable environment. ? to achieve goals and objectives

Over personal and external pressure, rationality prevails.

To fit the circumstances of an organization

Through division of labour and specialization, efficiency is increased.

To insure success, forms coordination and control.

Restructuring is done to solve the problems.

1. How the allocation of work is done

information or ability






2. How to organize dissimilar parts

Uniting perpendicular and cross authority.

The organisation decide the course of action as a group, this is sideways or parallel assessment creation

Human Resources Frame

In order to develop ideas, the McGregor of MIT helped. "Open system," statement of, peer-controlled pay system, self-managing teams and decent and depraved update. The people's commitment, energy, attitudes and skills are regarded by this frame. The idea that organisations can be stimulating is the idea of this frame, satisfying, and prolific. An organisation will only succeed, if it concerns itself with its people's welfare

The human need hierarchy of Maslow:

Physiological (oxygen, water, food, comfort)

Safety (safe from attack)

Belongingness and Love

Esteem (to feel value of self)

Self-actualization (to reach one's potential)

Administrator's expectations regarding individuals convert into prophecies that are self- fulfilled. You will get low productivity, if you have low expectations.

Political Frame

It views organisations as thriving blaring amphitheatres. It appears to be primary cause of success in sure jobs.

Focus of the political Frame is not on resolution of conflict, but on strategy and tactics.

Organisations are alliances

dissimilarities amid alliance associates

rare possessions

rare possessions and dissimilarities = battle

bartering, selling, riding Power

PF Insists Orgs are Coalitions

Organisations should have clear and consistent goal.

With authority, established by person.

Clear amid physical and civil.


Ability is just one power

distinguishes individuals

distinguishes capitals

powers clusters to clear want and to rally

yields realism

associations and systems

control and access of programs

Governor of symbols and meaning

Individual control

Symbolical Framing

The key to symbolism is the Message, notion, and belief

What happened is not important but what it implies

what is the interpretation of people

life is vague

Ambiguity and confusion can be eliminated by creating symbols.

symbols also provide direction, and act as keystone to hope and faith

Symbols form culture tapestry, custom, ceremonial occasion, and stories.

symbols also personify culture

symbols help find meaning in confusion, gives clearness in confusion, certainty in perplexity

Tactics are codes

Tactics convert into sports

Tactics convert reasons for communication

Tactics convert ads

Assessments are a ceremonial to mollify the citizens.

Assessment is great play and represents achievement or disappointment.

Control is integrally vague

Organisations are arbitrated chiefly by exterior or signs

Leading Principles

The leading principles are as under

Diversity provides an edge in competition

To hold a team together, you have to give them example, not command.

Specialised Language nurtures coherence and loyalty.

Narration of the history gives Group Recognition

Tension can be reduced by Humour and Play and it can also promote Creativity

Informal players impart proportionately to Formal Part

the Secret of success is the Soul behind the idea


Managing of Conflict through Senior Managers:

The micro political framework for conflict management by Bolman and Deal (2003) states that the power likewise politics could be utilized negatively or positively ...
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