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Success of a team depends on the role played by its members. This emphasises on the importance of team role which depends on various factors like team performance, coordination, dynamics, management and motivation as well as leadership (Bono, & Heijden, 2011 p.86). Meredith Belbin, professor of Henley Management College in England and a management theorist studied team management, team members and team leadership and on the basis of his studies, formulated various roles that can be beneficial for the achievement of desired goals and can lead towards team success (Belbin,, 1997 p.36-38). He analyzed these roles on the basis of human behaviour and its influence on the work performance and relation with work environment. It is also important to note that even this theory of team role is based on the concept of human behaviour; Belbin's evolved team roles serve little practical value, behaviour does not fit into neat categories and most people do not acknowledge allowable weaknesses.

Thesis statement

Belbin's evolved team roles serve little practical value and behaviour does not fit into neat categories.


Behaviour plays an important role on the performance of team; this requires the awareness about the behaviour of individuals. Belbin present these roles to create awareness for the proper understanding of different patterns of behaviour and better understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of individual's personality traits and interaction with the environment and other team members(Schneider & Smith, 2004 p.13). Belbin present nine team roles but these team roles do not serve the purposes properly for which these were formulated. The critical study of Belbin's roles also assists in to understand performance in work place (Senior, 1998, p.54-60). To have better understanding for the lack and weaknesses in the performance of these roles, it is better to first have a brief overview of these roles.

Belbin's Nine Team Roles

Coordinator: The role of coordinator is to ensure better interaction and team performance.

Shaper: Role of shaper is to handle the work pressure and challenges to overcome obstacles.

Resource investigator: The resource investigator's job is to investigate the better opportunities, contacts and new ideas to develop the business.

Planter: The main objective of planter is to look for the better solutions for the problems.

Team worker: team worker is to ensure better communication by listening properly and communicating in an easy way.

Evaluator: It deals with the skills of excellent judgment and evaluation skills.

Specialist: The role of specialist is to gather information, learning and knowledge for team contribution.

Implementer: The main task of team implementer is to define the team goals and decisions into practical tasks.

Completer finisher: The role of completer or finisher is to look for the flaws and to ensure quality and managing deadlines.

Belbin's Evolved Team Roles Serve Little Practical Value

Belbins team role appear to be very easy and effective but when applied in the work place it is noticed that these contains various drawbacks and do not serve the basic purposes, this requires to evaluate these team roles and the weakness ...
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