Construction and operation of a poultry (egg) farm at Belmont, NSW. The area comprises 15 hectares zoned rural, but sandwiched between Lake Macquarie and several residential suburbs.
The construction of the poultry farm at the Belmont, New South Wales is to be considered as the ideal place for the construction and operation. The 15 hectares area in between the residential area and the Lake can provide benefit to both, the suppliers and the company. The travelling expenses along with the environment will be saved from the Hens feathers and people which are allergic from hens will also be saved.
The building and operation of a crèche at the 24-hour poultry processing plant located alongside the residential suburb of Beresfield.
Crèche is a farm building where we lock up certain animals like birds, farm animals, and etcetera. In our case, the suburbs of Beresfield the environment will be effected as the suburbs are the area where people like to reside and if the animals crèche is being build up there, then people can have problems, the problems can be solved if the crèche is being built far from the residential areas and in country area.
The design and construction of a fleet of buses to be used exclusively for transport of school children to and from school.
The value of advanced design features such as the construction of lightweight vehicles, the use of corrosion resistant materials and advanced building techniques will be factors come into play during the bidding process, which aims to equip Metro highly durable vehicles that will help reduce operating and maintenance costs.
The bus fleet clean fuels is just one example of the ecological program of Metro, which also includes extensive use of solar panels in facilities maintenance and other cost saving measures to reduce energy costs, recycling, and construction and updating of new transportation facilities with materials and sustainable practices.
Manufacture and operation of a series of large waterslides on 2 hectares of steep land in a residential neighborhood.
There can be many issues regarding the slide construction. The waterslide needs such area and water pumps and much amount of water to be used. The area must be provided with the sufficient amount of fresh water so that residents would get any difficulty in water supply. The residential area slide construction must be planned according to the environmental condition of the area.
The purchase of 7 hectares of land, previously a brick-pit, adjacent to a residential suburb, to be used for waste disposal.
Construction will be possible by the complete evacuation of the brick pit and a deep ground cavity. The contractors have to re build the area for the water disposal accordingly to the requirements.
Assignment 2: Complete Contract Negotiations
Tenders for office furniture: the theme is open
On average, in Arizona declared a dozen furniture tenders in a month. It's about a third of the total number of competitions taking place across the state. There was a time when furniture companies at various levels have tried to participate in all tenders ...