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Court Field Trip Assignment

Court Field Trip Assignment


This assignment is about a field trip to the court. We are required to visit two courts. One of courts to be visited is the Magistrates Court, and the other court is the Supreme Court. There are two different cases. Both of the cases are discussed in the below sections. In this assignment, we will discuss about the two cases, and comparison between the two cases.

The First Case

The first case is about driving under the influence of alcohol. The driver was driving when he was stopped by the police for a normal alcohol test. Police made the alcohol test of the driver, and the result of that test was positive. The driver was found guilty of driving in drunkenness, because of the high percentage of alcohol. The driver was convicted by the Magistrate's Court. As a result, the driver got suspended for 6 months and was fined with $500. This is the case of “Driving under influence”. The nature of this proceeding is civil.

The Second Case

The case is about the possession of illegal drugs. A man named Dennis Mathew was found of possession of illegal drugs. Mathew was driving in his car when police stopped him for regular snap checking. During his search, police found 400 gm of cannabis from his car. He was arrested by police. He got convicted for possession and trafficking of drugs. Initially, Mathew denied of the possession of that drug (cannabis). He pretended as if he don know nay thing about the drug, and refused from the possession of that drug. However, he was totally failed to prove that the drug did not belong to him. On further investigation, he accepted the possession of that drug. On prosecution, he was sentenced to imprisonment for 10 years and a fine of ...
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